Query about settings option in IQVIEW while retriving images

  • Hi,
    I need to know how to retriew the images from the server using Network tab.I can able to send images from one system to another but i am unable to retriew the images using network tab.I just want to make out C-FIND to work.

    When we try to send a C-FIND query from one IQVIEW to other i cant retriew the images present in the server.
    please let me know as soon as possible.
    with regards,

  • Did you set up the iQ-VIEW in the server???
    Do you get a list of available patients/studies from the server???

    For retrieving the images the server has to know the receiving station (iQ-VIEW in this case). So, set up iQ-VIEWs parameter of the AE title (default: IQSERVER), the IP address and the port. Check in iQ-VIEW that the Q/R and the MOVE AE Title are set in the 'Local Settings'. Those two should have the same AE Title as the 'Server AE Title'.
    Try to send an ECHO from the server to the iQ-VIEW (if supported by the server).

  • Quote from Yves Neumann

    Did you set up the iQ-VIEW in the server???
    Do you get a list of available patients/studies from the server???

    For retrieving the images the server has to know the receiving station (iQ-VIEW in this case). So, set up iQ-VIEWs parameter of the AE title (default: IQSERVER), the IP address and the port. Check in iQ-VIEW that the Q/R and the MOVE AE Title are set in the 'Local Settings'. Those two should have the same AE Title as the 'Server AE Title'.
    Try to send an ECHO from the server to the iQ-VIEW (if supported by the server).

    Thanks for the replay.

    As u have mentioned as the Q/R and the MOVE AE Title....i need to know what how exactly i can set the AE tiltle name for the MOVE .i am just trying to connect two systems and need to send and retrieve the images.In both the system i am using the IQVIEW software.One system i am using as a server with the IQVIEW software and from the other system i can able to send and recieve images but my issue is when i try to retreive all the images from the server using the NETWORK option tab and if i click on search its retrieving all the images which is present in the server and if i try to open that image i cant able to open...i mean its just retreving the information about the patient and i cant able to open the images which i retrieved from the server...

    please briefly explain how can it be possible....i think i need to help in the settings part.I am using the same IQVIEW software as the server and client.

    with regards

  • 1. Verify the iQ-VIEW settings:

    Open 'local settings' (button in upper right corner of main window) and check the 2nd and 3rd edit box. The 'iQ-VIEW Q/R SCU AETitle' and the 'iQ-VIEW Move SCU AETitle' should have exactly the same value as the 4th box ('iQ-VIEW Server AETitle').

    If you use more than 1 iQ-VIEW in a network make sure that each iQ-VIEW has a different AE title, e.g. IQSERVER1 for one station and IQSERVER2 for the other. AE Title have to be unique within a network.

    2. Verify your PACS settings:

    If the query works (you get a list of studies) but retrieving of the images fails the settings for the iQ-VIEW are wrong in the PACS.
    Verify that you have the iQ-VIEW set up with the correct AE title, IP and port inside your PACS configuration. If the PACS is providing a ECHO/Verify/DICOM-PING (names I saw for the C-ECHO Verification class) test your settings with this function.

    If your PACS has a logging system you can check what is going on when you try to retrieve images.

    If you are not able to get it working you can also contact our support team at support<at>image-sys tems<dot>biz and we will take care about your issue (eventually by accessing your system remotely).

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