A crash occured at progress of installation!!

  • Dear all,

    I am a rookie who try to install conquest with mysql.I am according to doing step by step of manual.I can setup until "make mysql database"
    smoothly(I can look at something that conquest have created a database. ).But when I pressed the "verify database installation" button,it popup a error massage such as "dgate.exe occured error".and can't continue to setup!
    even I use different version of mysql still can't solve this problem.
    I am sure it is no broplem if I use "DBASEIII without ODBC" in my PC.
    every can help me?
    thanks a lot guys!


  • Are you sure it works with DBASEIII?

    Did you create user for MySQL with the same username and password as is in conquest's dicom.ini?

    Can you skipp the verify step and do rebuild database??

    Did you try to use ODBC instead of native MySQL driver??

    Just some "hints" that might get you started..

    Best regards


  • Dear skrani,
    Very thanks your kindly help.I have successed creating and verify database just a time.
    cause this problem because of I didn't fill username and password into dicom.ini.

    So I can run conquest using as following:

    conquest 1.4.13 beta
    mysql 4.1.22
    mysql odbc connector 3.51 driver

    Thanks again!

  • Hi

    the easiest way I think is to use the actual version of MySQl 5.0.45 and install it with the instaler and run the configuration process, there set the root password and the approx. connection you will be having (probably around 100).
    Then download MySql Administrator and connect to MySql, server host: localhost user: root and the password you have set before.
    With that program you first create a databese "conquest", then a user "conquest" and assign the user all possible actions for the catalouge (db) conquest - done :-)
    The only thing you still have to set ist the db, password and user name in the dicom ini.

  • I am not such an insider about MySQL 5.1, the advantages are listed on the hp of MySQL.
    But I doubt that you see any difference in speed or anything betwenn the 2 versions. I only had to make a new installation, so I did that with 5.1.

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