Failed SOP

  • Hello, We are trying to connect Kpacs to a EESI PACS system. We can veiw images with IQView, but not KPAcs. Here is the error. Can you suggest anything. I think there are actually 2 errors.

    [DICOM SCU] >> : (0008,0058), 54, UI, "" - Failed SOP Instance UID List
    [DICOM SCU] >> :
    [984] >> : Error: retreive failed for mouse, mickey, Study: Hand & Wrist

    DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0902), 64, LO, "Missing Unique Key Attribute (0020,000E) in SERIES Level Retriev" - Error Comment

    This is the image c0mpression. JPEG Lossless, Non-Hierarchical, First-Order Prediction (Process 14 [Selection Value 1]) 1.2.840.10008.

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