Windows SBS 2011 Firewall

  • Hi,

    on Windows SBS 2011 server the firewall prevents the study transfer from the modality to the dicom server. After disabling the firewall, studies could be transferred from the modality to the dicom server.

    Did anyone encounter the same problem and would help in entering the appropriate settings into the firewall? Thanks in advance.


  • You basically have two choices when building an in bound windows firewall rule, as a program or as a port.

    For program you'd use %pathto%\dage.exe, and %pathto%\dgate64.exe (you probably only need one, but create rules for both to be safe)
    If you use port, you'd need to open whatever port number dgate is listening to - I think it's something in the 5000's by default, but I almost always change it to the standard DICOM port (104). You can verify what port number you are using in the GUI on the Configuration tab (it's also in the dicom.ini under TCPPORT)

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