Unable to receive exam from IQView 2.6.0

  • I've made multiple attempts to receive a exam from IQView 2.6.0 and have not had success. I've established a VPN tunnel form the IQView system to my receiving end and verified connectivity with a successful 'ping' from both ends. The 'ECHO' test also completes successfully. I've verified the port (104) is correct on my receiving end. I should also mention that my receiving end is receiving exams from 15 other facilities without issue.
    When I attempt to 'transfer' the exam form IQView to my reviving end; my receiving end starts the DICOM Session; and even though IQView reports "successfully sent to xxxxx" my receiving end never closes the DICOM session or receives any images.

    Has anyone else encountered anything similar to this?

  • Check the DICOM communication log files at the receiving end. It seems that the DICOM association can be established successfully but that the data packages don't come through. This might be an issue in the VPN network configuration. Maybe the iQ-VIEW station is not allowed to send data packages through. Is it possible to simply copy data from the iQ-VIEW computer to the target machine?

    Your IT administrator might be able to shed light on this. You may also contact your local reseller for further assistance.

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