• Have a look at the "manuals and downloads" section and download the latest K-PACS or iQ-View manual.
    Most image retieve problems are caused by missing or improper settings at the remote server's side. CONQUEST must "know" AET, IP and Port of your K-PACS/iQ-View workstation in order to send images (see "known Dicom provider" section in Conquest GUI). The actual query process works without these settings and this is why you can query the server but not see the images.


  • Quote

    Following the guidelines that rule medical software and medical devices, it is mandatory for IMAGE Information Systems Ltd., as the manufacturer of these products, to keep a record of the access and downloads to our software and technical documentation.

    :idea: Recently you can download K-PACS and iQ-VIEW manuals only from Download Center of IMAGE Information Systems Ltd. :arrow:

    :?: Send any comments and remarks to info@image-systems.biz.


    Web & Server Administration

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