How to compare multiples studies synchronously?

  • Hello,

    I'm experiencing difficulties when trying to compare multiples studies with K-PACS. After pressing the "ctrl" key and selecting another study's tab in the viewer, nothing happens or the following message appears: "Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 0052489B in model "k-pacs.exe". Lesen von Adresse 0000003". Unfortunatelly, I have no idea about what this means!


    Ant?nio Bastos Leite

  • Hello Antonio,

    with version 0.9.5 the method to compare studies changed.
    There are now two little icons "+" and the magnifier in every study tab that should be used for this purpose.
    If you click the "+" icon of anothers study's tab you will see, that only the thumbnail previews will change to this study. Now you can simply drag a series into a free viewer object (e.g in 1:2 tile mode). To go back to you first study simply click into the viewer object that is displaying the original study and the thumbnails will change accordingly (and the other way round).

    Use the magnifier icon to retrieve other studies of this patient from an archive. If you click it a list of all available archive nodes will popup. Select the appropriate one and a panel with a list of all studies in the archive belonging to this patient will show (patient level query). Select the study you want to download and click ok.

    Hope I could help,


    Ps.: we will update the old K-PACS manual , meanwhile you can use the iQ-View manual

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