DICOM attribute encoding

  • Hi.
    Sorry for my English.
    We use K-Pacs to view studies from PACS-server. Our native language - Russian. In Russian, there are several 8-bit encodings, such as CP1251, KOI8-R, ISO-8859-5. Name of the study, patient name and other attributes of the study, obtained with different equipment have different encoding. K-Pacs displays them "as is" (abracadabra). Could you implement the ability to automatically detect or(and) manual select the encoding for the various studies, as implemented in browsers.
    Thank you.

  • Dear eshkrig

    Currently iQ-VIEW only supports ISO IR 100 character encoding on DICOM level (see DICOM Conformance Statement). We are aiming at supporting other character encoding in the future, such as UNICODE encoding for languages such as Russian. However, we cannot yet give a definite date or version where this will be implemented.

    Kind regards

    Sabine Stridde

    IMAGE Information Systems Ltd.

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