• Hi

    I am looking for some software that can DICOM push to other PACS systems our PACS does not support Query/Retrieve or DICOM push but as we are a small hospital we a constantly asked to send images to larger hospitals so we currently burn CD's but if we can set up an electronic link and Push them it would save a lot of time & effort.

    So all we need is software to Query our modality server and push images does K-PACS do this?


  • Sure it does, try it out!

    There is a button called "Transfer" which "pushes" images to another location if your current table mode is "database" (the images are physically available on your harddisc). If you are in "network" mode, then the transfer button will "move" the images from source network node A to target network node B without routing them through your local K-PACS workstation.


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