• Hi,
    I'm the newest newby of your forum :D
    Since few days I try to use your Conquest system with our Fujifilm system, and unfortunatly it doesn't work because of the name and of the directory structures created by this system. Indeed, when we receive the dicom file, it's saved under this directory structure : <YEAR(4digits)>/<MONTH(2digits)>/<NAME (variable)>/file with the exension .756093690.
    If I put every files in the same directory and I rename them with .dcm extension then the rebuilding of the database works and I can use Conquest server and the web interface.

    Is there a solution to solve my problem, I wish that this system browse all the directory structure to find files with the extension created by fujifilm ?

    Thank you in advance for your help

  • instead of dropping the files in a folder and doing a DB rebuild, why not drag and drop them in to the Conquest GUI ? or send from your FujiFilm to Conquest.

    or you can create a script to go through your data and rename all the files so that they have a .dcm extension (but thats a pain in the butt) I'd recommend the drag and drop method. this way you get a log of what was stored/converted and everything gets stored in the DB properly.

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