InstitutionName 0008,0080 weirdness

  • Hi all,

    I used to have a conquest system running older versions on Win2K server with SQL. Now it's a new box with W2k3 and SQL2005, with the latest .14 Beta conquest.

    I had been using exportconverters in the past, like this:

    ExportModality11 = US
    ExportFilter11 = Institutio NOT LIKE 'OURHOSPITAL%'
    ExportConverter11 = forward to OTHERSERVER_US

    But, I noticed something strange now on this version. When I open the tables in SQL, I see that in the DICOMSeries table, the "Institutio" field is being filled NOT with 0008,0080 but instead with 0008,1040, which is institutional department name.

    What I'm trying to do is make it so that any image that comes into the system without our standard Institution name, forwards to a different system. This worked for me before, but now isn't.

    Is there a way to force Conquest to populate the Database field "Institutio" with 0008,0080 contents, or create another different database field like INSTNAME or something and map it to collect the 0008,0080 contents?


  • I always seem to answer my own question......but here you go....I figured it out.

    Yes, there was no mapping for Institution name to create the database field in SQL, so I just opened up
    "dicom.sql" and inserted this line:

    { 0x0008, 0x0080, "InstitName", 64, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR },

    And then did a database regen. Now I have an "InstitName" field that I can key off of.

    Sorry to bother you but at least I have another item for other users to check if they have issues.

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