missing Attribute Tag

  • I tried to transfer the dicom images from two system to a server via k-pacs. It was fine with the images from one system,
    but the image from another system was rejected with the following error:
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : (0000,0902), 26,\tab LO, "License attribute missing " - Error Comment

    I could not find the information in header file for (0000,0902). Does anyone know what (0000,0902) is?
    How can I find it?


  • Dear luner1994

    The DICOM attribute that you are referring to is a DICOM communication attribute stating a communication error. It is not an attribute that you will find in the DICOM information of an image. The error seems to come from the station from which you have tried moving images to your PACS server. Check the log files of the station that produced the error. This may give you additional information on why it is not able to send the images. If that does not help, we suggest that you contact the technical support of that device.

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