Are CD Burns Uncompressed?

  • Greetings! We've been iQ-View users since 2009. We're currently using Version 2.6.0. I've noticed that when we store images in our imagebox, the invidual DICOM folders are about a third again of the size of the dicomdir folder when we burn a CD. Are the images, upon burning, subject to any kind of compression? Or are they considered uncompressed after burning compared to the imagebox? (Knowing that if they were sent to iQView as uncompressed, they still are - GIGO...)

    Thank you,

    Darren Erickson

  • Dear Mr. Erickson

    The behavior of iQ-VIEW is as follows: generally, iQ-VIEW will burn the images onto the medium in the same way as they are stored in the local imagebox. By default, this would be in an uncompressed way because iQ-VIEW will always decompress images that are received via DICOM or by import via "Filesystem" to Little Endian Explicit (uncompressed). Only, if the default settings are changed, iQ-VIEW can store the images that are received or imported with the transfer syntax in which they exist (e.g. with a compressed transfer syntax), which is not recommended for general use. In that case, they would also be burned onto a medium in this compressed form.

    However, there is a parameter in the iQ-VIEW main configuration file (iQ-VIEW.ini), that can force the decompression of compressed DICOM images during the exporting process to medium. This INI parameter is called "ExportAlwaysLittleEndianExplicit=" and is, by default, set to "0" (= false).

    Since you experience that the images in the "DICOM" folder of the medium take more space than those in the local imagebox, I would assume that you have changed the original settings of iQ-VIEW. You seem to be receiving/importing DICOM images in compressed form and seem to have set the INI parameter to "1" (=true).

    Kind regards
    Sabine Stridde

    IMAGE Information Systems Ltd.

  • Thank you for the reply... It turns out that I was mistaken - the dicom files from iQ-View and on the disc are of the same size - I was misled by the BMP thumbnail images which were present in the Imagebox but not on the dicom directory proper on the CD. (Figured it out after checking the parameter you mention above.)

    Thanks again for the assistance!

    Darren Erickson

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