iQ-DOSE 1.1.3

iQ-DOSE is a desktop application, intended to be used for the evaluation of the applied radiation dose of patients according to EURATOM 2013/59 and StrSchG.

It provides an automatic evaluation of dose information and is intended to support the user with documenting evaluation results and justifying overdoses. For this purpose, it receives DICOM data over a DICOM interface and checks if the data contains a Radiation Dose Structured Report or other data from supported modalities. Afterwards, all necessary information from the dose data is extracted and compared to limit values. These limit values are configurable and based on age and weight of the patient. Based on these limit values iQ-DOSE displays the evaluation result on the graphical user interface. The user has to add a justification for every detected overdose. If any overdose was detected, the application sends a notification email.

Please find the official limit values for Germany in the Announcement of the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection and adjust your limit_values.json accordingly.

  • Version 1.1.3

    To get an insight into iQ-DOSE's current software version and the previous software versions, the iQ-DOSE New Features and Bug Fixes - 003R.pdf document provides a change log limited to the most important new features, bug fixes and removed functionality.

    Bug fixes

    • Fixed sorting after Study date, Study time, Birth date, Age, Received on