Posts by syswiz

    Unfortunately, I'm on a windows platform.
    1) Any chance I could beta test a win32 version that allows skipping exportconverters? Right now, I'm going through and correcting things like gender, birthdate, and patientid and want to avoid exportconverters.

    2) Could you expound a little bit more on the order of exportconverters? Just so I get this straight. In the manual, let's take your example:

    If SERVER2 was sending an MR to CONQUESTSRV1, would the following happen:
    a) forward forward compressed as j2 to SERVER2 (causes loop)
    b) forward patient to VIEWERAE
    c) forward study to SERVER3

    Two points:
    1) Don't I have to kill/restart the service for the exportconverter change to kick in? That will kill any data stream (in or out) happening when that occurs.

    2) In my export rules, I don't normally specify the AE title for MRs. All MRs acquired are forwarded to 2 reading stations, and a home-based office. However, I do not want to send old studies to each of those locations just because I am "spring cleaning". If I am going to substitute out a different dicom.ini, I'll have to drastically change the export rules to support any modality which might send an MR to Conquest, which is not very scalable in the long run.

    By all means let me know if I am off-base. I want this to work, I just don't want to break things just to do maintenance.

    Related side questions:
    1) Does anyone know if the exportconverters run in numerical order? (i.e. exportconverter0 run before exportconverter1, etc.)
    2) Can you specify more than one AE title per export converter? (i.e. ExportCallingAE0 = MR1; MR2)
    Thanks. I'm trying to understand the power of the scripting language.

    May I add a --skipexportconvert type of a function to the wish list for the next release?

    I really can't disable all exportconverters while I am processing, because am I doing this during business hours and cannot take the routing rules offline...

    Marcel, is there a dgate command line option to skip exportconverter?

    I have a batch file (changepatid.cmd) set up to correct old patient IDs in the system. I run this batch file with the wrong/old id as the first parameter and the correct id as the second. i.e. changepatid 06-12345 12345

    The problem is that doing this fires off the exportconverters that match the modality and forwards images to several places. If there was something like "--skipexportconverter" I could add to the command line, it would be great. Let me know if there is, or if there is a different way I could do it. Thanks!

    Marcel, I don't see this section really explained in the manual. Could you explain the fields (expecially the less obvious ones). Thanks.

    # Configure email of error messages
    MailHost =
    MailSignon =
    MailFromName =
    MailRcptName1 =
    MailCollectTime =
    MailWaitTime =

    Marcel, do you have a list of scripts/commands that can be used with this parameter? The dgate -? reveals "--modifyimage:file,script Change items in file"

    Also, is it possible to "stack" dgate commands. For example, if I want to change the the patid and the birthdate at the same time, or maybe the patname and birthdate at the same time... Thanks!

    I found a quirk in the attribute setting related to the ^ symbol. It's probably a batch file parsing problem.

    I tried

    dgate "--imagelister:local|10101||dgate """--modifyimage:%%s,set 0010,0010 to 'LAST^FIRST^^^' "" > t.bat

    but the resulting t.bat file garbled the patient name field to 'LASTFIRST^'

    I had to double the carets to change it to 'LAST^^FIRST^^^^^^' to get it to come out right.


    Sweet. The patient name change in the beta works on my test box. Do you know what the official DICOM format of the 0010,0010 attribute is supposed to be? And does case matter?

    In a quick search,
    Philips says:

    Patient’s Name is divided by DICOM delimiters ("^") into 3 field: Last name, first name and middle name. The maximum length of the last name field is 24, the maximum of the first and middle name is 19 characters. When the maximum length of a field is exceeded the field is truncated.

    Another Vendor says:


    Thanks, I had worked out something similar. Not being an expert with piping, I came up with:

    dgate "--imagelister:local|OLDPATID||%%s" >changeme.txt
    FOR /F %%A IN (changeme.txt) DO dgate --modifypatid:NEWPATID,%%A

    Now if only there was a command line patient name changer...

    I figured it out! The manual has the parameters backwards. It should read --modifypatid:patid,file (and not --modifypatid:file,patid). Please correct in the manual for the next guy trying to figure this out. :lol:

    What path format is the --modifypatid command looking for? A full path does not seem to work...

    For testing, I created a canned batchfile that is supposed to replace patient ID 10742 with 11111

    changepatid.cmd:dgate "--imagelister:local|10742||%%s" >changeme.txtFOR /F %%A IN (changeme.txt) DO dgate --modifypatid:%%A,11111

    It seems to work, but in the PacsTrouble.log, it shows ***File to modify is not on a MAG device. Here's what the output looks like while the batch file is running:

    Please help. I think I'm almost there. -Scott

    If I use something like K-Pacs to correct a misspelled patient, what would the process be?
    I'm guessing:
    - Find the misspelled patient
    - Retrieve all of that patient's' misspelled studies from Conquest into K-PACS.
    - Use a DICOM Editor that is built-in to K-PACS to change the name (I assume there is one)
    - Delete all of those misspelled studies in Conquest
    - Send the corrected studies from K-Pacs to Conquest

    Is there a better way? I really need to get this cleaned up...