Posts by MCA_admin


    Is it possible to forward the SERIES (CT, Structures and CT images) based on a specific value in the PLAN Description TAG? For example: if it contains XVI_6 the incoming SERIES has to be forwarded to the XVI of LINAC 6.

    I created the following lines (based on the manual):

    exportconverters = 1
    exportconverter0 = ifnotequal "%m", "RTPLAN"; stop;

    ifmatch "%V*0008,1030", "*XVI_6*";forward to XVI_6;
    get study modality CT from RTPACS;
    get study modality RTSTRUCT sop %V/300c,0060.0/0008,1155 from RTPACS;
    forward study series %V(/300c,0060/0008,1155)/3006,0010/3006,0012/3006,0014/0020,000e
    to XVI_6;
    forward study modality RTSTRUCT sop %V/300c,0060.0/0008,1155 to XVI_6

    But it will only forward the PLAN and not the rest of the data. Do the images and structes have to be already in Conquest?

    Hope you can help me!


    Dennis van Son
    Medical Centre Alkmaar