Posts by Muz

    In the terminal it looks like it went through all the files and it issues the msg:
    Regen Device 'MAG2'
    Regeneration Complete

    for each of the MAG's


    I'm running conquest 1.4.13 on Kubuntu 7.1 using MySQL. After running: "./dgate -v -r" conquest list only a small number of patients (a dozen out of a few hundred. I initially loaded the database by uploading the studies from another machine using e-film.

    Any ideas?


    I'm using conquest 1.4.13 on Kubuntu 7.10. I get the following error almost anytime the server is accessed. This time I was browsing a study:

    root@zviman-server:~# /usr/local/conquest/dgate -v
    ***Error loading kfactor file:dicom.sql
    DGATE (1.4.13, build Sat Nov 24 20:15:41 2007) is running as threaded server
    FreeStore Left 6452 on /var/Conquest
    Query On Image
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    Two questions:

    1. I'm can browse the patients and studies but so what does the error loading kfactor file means?
    2. Why do I get the segmentation error?



    Two questions:
    1. Could any body provide a bit more detailed instructions on how to install on Linux (Kubunu/Debian) and MySql.
    2. Apparently 'dgate' is program that has to do with Ada. This is an excerpt of trying to run dgate:
    root@nernst:/var/lib/conquest# dgate --v --r
    The program 'dgate' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
    apt-get install libgtkada2-bin
    bash: dgate: command not found


    root@nernst:/var/lib/conquest# ls dgate dgatesop.lst dicom.ini dicom.ini~ dicom.sql

