Posts by bsnguy

    Yes, I unpacked everything, but the problem seems to be the version. I had downloaded 1417 (which is what your main download link pointed to) and that failed. But then I saw that there was an update 1417c via the forums. I got that and all is fine!

    So problem solved, for me, at least.


    I am a new user. Never installed/used ConQuest before but it looks like what I need for a project. I am having trouble getting it to run on my Windows 7 Professional x64 machine, however. Sorry if this is so basic/stupid, but I read the manual and while that seems straightforward, it's not working for me.

    When I run ConquestDICOMServer.exe (as administrator, even) dgate64 crashes (I get a standard Windows dialog to that effect) and I can't do anything. The ConQuest GUI does show up after that, but if I try to do anything with it, I get more dgate64 crash windows.

    Any ideas what's missing/wrong on my system? I simply unzipped the 1417 distribution and ran from there. I am wanting to use the sqlLite support and said so when I got the initial configuration dialog when I ran the first time, but I simply cannot get dgate to run, it seems.

    If there is anything else I can provide to help debug this, let me know.
