Posts by st80rules

    I want conquest to be my pacs, so run queries, read and write image files, etc, all outside of the DICOM protocol.

    Most of the needs is to obtain paths of images to be able to read them.

    Is this lua scripting documented anywhere? Would it allow remote access, i.e. machineA accessing conquest on machineB?


    our product is an advanced 3D visualization platform, that is PACS agnostic in theory, but of lately we add close integrations to certain PACS. We would like to integrate to Conquest, but it has been difficult to find any kind of meaningful documentation.

    I have a few questions:

    1- Is it possible to have a close integration to Conquest?
    2- If so, how?
    3- Would the integration be possible remotely, i.e. one machine accesses Conquest (using its API, not the DICOM protocol) on another machine?
