Posts by Beppe

    Thank you, I don't use web based systems because the VPN connection we use during the hospital connection doesn't allow us web servers connection (it's a Cisco Client).
    Now I'm trying with a MedicalConnection's viewer it seems to handle pdf embedded DICOM instances.
    Thank you again

    Hi Marcel,
    thank you for the quick answer.
    At the moment I'm looking for a viewer for my development test, I'm checking MicroDicom but I meet several problem with our images.
    Do You have any suggestions?

    Hi there,
    I'm writing a procedure to handle DICOM worklist and to send visit results to a PACS.
    We are working in Pneumology and our instruments don't produce images but they print PDF files.
    As the Hospital has DICOM servers only (no HL7, etc.) they imposed us to handle the informations (worklist and visit results) using DICOM standard.
    I'm using ConQuest server to emulate the hospital server and it works really fine.
    Actually I had to include an external procedure (ImageMagick) to convert PDF files in image files (JPG) to encapsulate into the DICOM instance to send. Does ConQuest handle PDF files embedded in DCM? I was able to push it to accept something adding the SOP class for PDF into the DgateSop.lst file (I've added the following line: "PDFdocument 1.2.840.10008. sop" after the LittleEndianImplicit line.
    In this way it doesn't refuse what I'm sending, but it doesn't show the pdf image.
    Please, Is it possible to do this?