Posts by retsil

    I'm wondering if anyone has implemented a method for re-initializing Conquest while it is still live.
    I have thought of running two installations of conquest using the same data but different SQL databases.

    Is there any other way to reinitialise Conquest? I have 10^6 images and reinitialization will take more than 3 days.
    I think that the biggest bottleneck is that the images must be stored on a NAS. dgate.exe is only using about 1% of CPU.

    I have compiled conquest for linux i386. I set up the postgressql database and read in the ini and acrmap files. The web interface seems to work ok and I can query the config, SOP table and dictionary.

    Conquest appears to hang every time it accepts a TCP/IP connection.
    I have tested it with eFilm, KPACS and echoscu.

    For example echoscu constructs a request but never hears an answer..

    Request Parameters:
    Our Implementation Class UID:
    Our Implementation Version Name: OFFIS_DCMTK_353
    Their Implementation Class UID:
    Their Implementation Version Name:
    Application Context Name: 1.2.840.10008.
    Calling Application Name: ECHOSCU
    Called Application Name: CONQUESTSRV1
    Responding Application Name: resp AP Title
    Our Max PDU Receive Size: 16384
    Their Max PDU Receive Size: 0
    Presentation Contexts:
    Context ID: 1 (Proposed)
    Abstract Syntax: =VerificationSOPClass
    Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
    Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
    Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
    Requested Extended Negotiation: none
    Accepted Extended Negotiation: none
    Requesting Association
    Constructing Associate RQ PDU

    netstat indicates that there is a TCP connection. All firewalls are disabled, All selinux is disabled. PacsTrouble.log does not contain any error messages.

    I have tried several configurations of the including:
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