Posts by joanasilva

    Hi Marcel,

    I didn´t get to use Lua script but created a script that delete all studies of US with "dgate --deleteimagefile:/..."

    Thanks for your help.

    Best regards


    I saw the conversation but I have a similar problem. I have 4 conquests in my Linux system, the system is very slow and when I see the usage of CPU, each dgate is almost or 100%. The memory of the CPU reaches peaks and the system hangs. Only restarting the conquests is that the system is regular but spending time the problem back. Sometimes conquests turn off, is related to the problem of CPU? Do you know what the problem is? May be due to memory is getting low? While not functioning with the method of the conquests remains dgate?

    Thanks for your help.

    Best Regards


    I updated the version for 1.4.17 and I experimented run the script that you sent with ./dgate "--lua:dofile('file.lua')". My script is inside of conquest´s folder. Not appear the prints in terminal and comand run but nothing happen with studies. I think the comand dgate with lua isn´t working.

    With only dgate "--lua:dofile('file.lua')" linux doesn´t recognize the comand.

    Do you know what is the problem?

    Oki run but the script maybe had a error because no study has been deleted. I want delete all studies which modality was MR.

    My script is:

    x = DicomObject:new()
    x.PatientName = ''
    x.PatientID = ''
    x.StudyDate = ''
    x.PAtientBirthDate = ''
    x.QueryRetrieveLevel = 'STUDY'
    s.studyInstanceUIS = ''
    x.ModalitiesStudy = 'MR'

    y = dicomquery('RADARCH4','STUDY',x)

    print('fixin to delete', #y, 'Studies')'suid.txt', 'wt')

    for i=0, #y-1 do
    print ('testing', y[i],PatientID, y[i].PatientName, y[i].StudyDate, y[i].ModalitiesInStudy)
    f:write(y[i].PatientID .. '\n')


    I saw other posts to delete images and I did the script (file.lua) but when I´m running appear the message "syntax error near unexpected token '(' " I´m using the linux and the version of conquest is 1.4.16k. I used the line to call the script "./dgate --lua:dofile('file.lua')".

    Do you help me?


    But this line in dicom.ini will change all headers of all images, right? And if I want to change only a tag in some studies? How can I do manually?

    I have other doubt... How can I delete a group with thousands of imagens? For example, the group has a tag in common, in other words the images that I want delete are all US but the Conquest has too MR, CT and CR.

    Thanks for your attention.


    I´m new working with conquest and I already read the manual but stayed with a doubt. Is possible to change the header of study? For example the conquest has a study and I want to alter a particular tag in header.

    Thanks for your answer.

    Is it possible ConQuest to read and write in a cloud?
    For example, my ConQuest is used to server a clinic that have a lot of images and I want to pass old images to cloud or I want the folder data stays stored in cloud. Is possible ConQuest communicate in real time with cloud? How could I do this?On MAGDevice in file dicom.ini?

    Thank you for your answer.