Posts by idr08

    Hello Marecel ;o)

    In fact I have identified similar troubles for two modalities. One was reproducible, in case of large CR studies of 30-50 images, conquest hangs during the c-store process (eg. after 20 images), then afterwards, it's impossible to resend it to conquest. This as a very low frequency, other batchs of large series are processed without any problem, and the server has sufficient RAM... But in production environment this is cannot be accepted...

    It's difficult to find exactly on which side the problem is located, I found a workaround with a gateway put in between where I can set the PDU to 64k and resend it to conquest, but this is a very expensive software...

    Any advice how to progress ?

    The PacsTrouble.log indicates :
    Thu Feb 17 11:55:35 2011 ***VR:ReAlloc out of memory allocating -268361626 bytes

    Thu Feb 17 11:55:35 2011
    ***Client Error: Unknown Command: 0001**
    Thu Feb 17 11:55:35 2011 ***Connection Terminated
    Fri Feb 18 11:57:40 2011 ***VR:ReAlloc out of memory allocating -268361626 bytes

    Fri Feb 18 11:57:40 2011
    ***Client Error: Unknown Command: 0001**
    Fri Feb 18 11:57:40 2011 ***Connection Terminated

    Best regards,


    Great software ! I just have quite some troubles with PDU settings with uncommon modalities.

    I'm trying to find a way to define the max pdu size of the conquest server (it runs under linux), and I can't find any way in the documentation or in the forum... If this is feasible, can you please let me know how to set it ?

    Thanks !

    Best regards,