Posts by renato lincoln

    Dear Marcel,
    I tried installing DICOM server 1.4.19b on Ubuntu Server 16.04.04, but showed an error: did not found dgatesmall. It looks like the file is not in the zip.
    Before i forget, I had trouble starting Conquest automatically with the system with the Linux manual guidelines.
    I looked for the cause of the problem and noticed that the script to start Conquest need the following lines on the top:



    Wtih this I put the script ( in the folder /etc/init.d, gave the command: chmod +x /etc/init.d/ and chmod 755 /etc/init.d/, and after that: update-rc.d defaults.
    Now, Conquest started to boot with the system.
    Hope this helps.

    Dear Marcel,
    I've done all settings Ive informed by and for you. However, I wonder how do I see the images, for accessing the Conquest page, can see only one image at a time by clicking the "wado" button. Do not open a viewer design of DWV. Is there any address should I enter in the browser address tab to access the DWV?

    thanks for your help.
    I was on vacation and upon returning, found that the server returned to work perfectly. I do not know what was the error that occurred, but it seems that resolved.
    But another problem is that I'm trying to run a web view with the DWV but not working. Would be to work on any platform or it does not work in linux?

    Dear ulver56,
    the problem that you identified in your post I corrected before installing the conquest. The problem I am facing is that when you type in firefox: http: // server / cgi-bin / dgate, is that the page opens as if the conquest server was not working, because I do not see the server information. However, directly accessing the server, I see that the conquest is operating normally, receiving and sending images. I do not know if this has to do with the fact of using Ubuntu server 14.04, which is 64 system.

    Dear Marcel,
    I made the installation of conquest 1.4.17d on a server with Ubuntu Server. Fix the maklinux_mysql file to copy the dicom.ini the cgi-bin folder to the /usr/lib/cgi-bin and deleted the -DLUA_USE_DLOPEN flag, so did the compilation of dgate. After the command ./dgate -v & I noticed the Conquest works because I can display images by K-Pacs. However, the browser appears as if the Conquest was not working. Can you help me?

    Hello, Marcel. I want to congratulate you for Conquest program. It is very simple to use, easy to install and set up and very effective. I'm using Ubuntu with the Conquest. I gave up the Lubuntu for logistical reasons. My problem is that the HD where are the images is full and I need to add another drive to the server to continue working. So I need to stick with the two HDs, since professionals need access to old exams. How can I do this? Just add the new HD as MAG1? Another question, I noticed that the linux version, the exchange of information between the stations and the server via ACRNEMA.MAP, it gives the IP, while the installation on Windows can also be done by machine name. No way do the same in linux version? I ask because in our IP network is automatic and not fixed. Thank you.

    Hi Marcel,
    This is my
    /* **********************************************************
    * *
    * DICOM AE (Application entity) -> IP address / Port map *
    * (This is file ACRNEMA.MAP) *
    * *
    * All DICOM systems that want to retrieve images from the *
    * Conquest DICOM server must be listed here with correct *
    * AE name, (IP adress or hostname) and port number. *
    * The first entry is the Conquest system as example. *
    * *
    * *
    * The syntax for each entry is : *
    * AE <IP adress|Host name> port number compression *
    * *
    * For compression see manual. Values are un=uncompressed; *
    * j1,j2=lossless jpeg;j3..j6=lossy jpeg;n1..n4=nki private *
    * jk=lossless jpeg2000;jl=lossy jpeg2000 *
    * *
    ********************************************************** */

    teste 1033 as

    V* * 1234 as
    S* * 5678 un

    EBW 104 un
    AESKULAP-032 hcap-032 6000 as

    root@hcap-144:/home/hcap/conquest# ./dgate -v -m
    ** AE / IP-PORT Map dump

    teste 1033 as
    V* * 1234 as
    S* * 5678 un
    EBW 104 un
    AESKULAP-032 hcap-032 6000 as

    Hi Marcel,
    I'm intending install Lubuntu as the sever for Dicom images. Conquest works on Lubuntu or only on Ubuntu? I installed Conquest, as a experience, on a PC with Lubuntu 12.10, but on the web page, the space where I spected the servers list appear is clean. So, I can't see the images from the web. The Phillips CT has sent images with no difficults to Conquest. I could see the patients worklist on the Mysql Conquest db. The is ok. I tried many things and I think maybe the error is in the dgate. Tryed erasing the dicom.ini from the cgi-bin and from the Conquest files and the web interface works, again with the blank servers list. On the user's PC (Lubuntu or Ubuntu) I installed Aeskulap, that works with an AET. The echotest from Aeskulap works finely. It mounts the patients list, but it can't receive images from Conquest. From the server LXTERMINAL could see communication Conquest-Aeskulap, but appear a message that the CMove trying from Aeskulap was blocked. Could help me?