Posts by Bushranger

    I think it could be helpful if the patients name would appear, when a job is done, sometimes the tecnician doesn t know, if he has send the patient from k-pacs or not. So a shot look in the job mask could clear it.

    Where exactky do I get the name of the driver and the name of the sqlserver?
    As I mentioned I use mysql with the nativdriver. S what is the name of the driver?
    I guess the name ofthe server I detemine with the mysql conrol center. Or is localserver the same in this case?
    with your entries you kindly postet I coudn t contact the database.

    Hi Eduard,

    thanks for your reply but it didn t resolve my prob.

    so I post my entry here to check it if there is anything wrong, I didn t use the
    odbc connector but the nativ mysql driver


    # Host, database, username and password for MySql database
    SQLHost = localhost
    SQLServer = conquest
    Username = root
    Password =
    MySql = 1
    DoubleBackSlashToDB = 1

    config of webgate
    DICOMDB="uid=root; pwd=""; driver=conquest; server=localhost;database=conquest"
    with this entries I can t start the web viewer

    I changed the uid to conquest and driver={SQL Server}; server=(local)but the same prob
    whats exactly the UID here? the name of the database or the ae-tiltle of the pacsserver?

    Here the answer when trying to search a patient by name
    ADODB.Connection (0x800A0BB9)
    Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.
    /WEBATE/Default.asp, line 22

    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)

    GET /WEBATE/Default.asp

    I think the prob isthat the server can t be reached and that my entries are wrong here..

    I ve now access to the search mask of webgate but no access to the database. I cofiguered the config for my personal access like below. Are there any mistaks in that?
    No password
    AE-Title pacsssenic
    driver? pacs or Mysql?
    server pacs
    database conquest

    DICOMDB="uid=pacssenic; pwd=""; driver=pacs; server=pacs;database=conquest"

    Hi Eduard

    I downloaded the package but unfortunately I ve some probs to get it running cause I am not very used to the Internet Information server, cause I ve only worked with the apache webserver.

    So there are remaining some questions, I hope you can give me some help

    - Make WEBGATE folder as a Home folder (see IIS properties)
    how do you do this exectly? I copied the webgate folder to wwwroot and configured the config before.

    1. Input WEB-server adress to granted server list (because AtiveX-components are not subscripted)
    How do I ve do do this exactly?
    And how do I ve to call the website than?

    hello conquest users,

    I now have finished the noob proofed installation guide for conquest with wampp ( package of apache 2.059, MySQL5.027 and PHP 5.2.
    In case of Interest, you can send me a mail. Ans feel free to make corrections.

    I use conquest with MSsql2000 as well with wampp ( apache, mysql and php ) and the advantage is the ability of a multiuserplatform as mentioned and to built up a tailor made system
    I wrote a little php prog for the patient administration.
    The advantage of a web based interface could be that referring physicians could view images via web, for this a simple freeweare web viewer, that could be hooked on conquest would be more than enough. The remote administration of the server via internet I do with cspace, really genius prog.

    thanks for your answer, but unfortunately it doesn t help me that much.
    Mirror and RAID-5 device are also hardware based , mirror is a rev drive and raid 5 contains the studies and run under Windows 2000.
    The raid-5 volume (containing studies) reports a correct value , but not the rev disc, although the studies are correctly stored.
    Is there anything to add in the dicom.ini for that?