Posts by service

    running K-Pacs on xp pro and on vista buisness.
    problem is vista I can send images to xp pro and can echo, xp can not send or echo the vista box. All ae, ip, ports are correct. firwalls are disabled. I am allmost sure vista is the problem but very hard to trace the issue. Any suggestions?

    conquest v 1.4.1
    images pushed fron fuji cr reader xc-1
    errors from 12/2006 still going
    here is the last segments of the pacs trouble log

    20070502 15:52:12 Inconsistent ImagePat in DICOMImages: PatientID = 'HUNTER'S COURT' SOPInstanc = '1.2.392.200036.9125.4.0.84882815.145756928.208853630' AND ImagePat = 'HUNTER''S COURT', Old='HUNTER'S COURT', New='HUNTER'
    20070502 15:52:12 Inconsistent SeriesPat in DICOMSeries: PatientID = 'HUNTER'S COURT' SeriesInst = '1.2.392.200036.9125.3.1911412126218.64519496849.186817' AND SeriesPat = 'HUNTER''S COURT', Old='HUNTER'S COURT', New='HUNTER'
    20070502 15:52:12 Inconsistent PatientID in DICOMStudies: PatientID = 'HUNTER'S COURT' StudyInsta = '1.2.392.200036.9125.2.1911412126218.64519496849.186812' AND PatientID = 'HUNTER''S COURT', Old='HUNTER'S COURT', New='HUNTER'
    20070502 15:52:12 ***Refused to enter inconsistent link PatientID into DICOMStudies: PatientID = 'HUNTER'S COURT' StudyInsta = '1.2.392.200036.9125.2.1911412126218.64519496849.186812' AND PatientID = 'HUNTER''S COURT', Old='HUNTER'S COURT', Refused='HUNTER'
    20070502 15:52:12 ***Error saving to SQL: HUNTER'S_COURT\1.2.392.200036.9125.3.1911412126218.64519496849.186817_1005_001005_11781391320082.v2
    20070502 15:52:13 Inconsistent ImagePat in DICOMImages: PatientID = 'HUNTER'S COURT' SOPInstanc = '1.2.392.200036.9125.4.0.84882815.166662912.208853630' AND ImagePat = 'HUNTER''S COURT', Old='HUNTER'S COURT', New='HUNTER'
    20070502 15:52:13 Inconsistent SeriesPat in DICOMSeries: PatientID = 'HUNTER'S COURT' SeriesInst = '1.2.392.200036.9125.3.1911412126218.64519497103.186822' AND SeriesPat = 'HUNTER''S COURT', Old='HUNTER'S COURT', New='HUNTER'
    20070502 15:52:13 Inconsistent PatientID in DICOMStudies: PatientID = 'HUNTER'S COURT' StudyInsta = '1.2.392.200036.9125.2.1911412126218.64519496849.186812' AND PatientID = 'HUNTER''S COURT', Old='HUNTER'S COURT', New='HUNTER'
    20070502 15:52:13 ***Refused to enter inconsistent link PatientID into DICOMStudies: PatientID = 'HUNTER'S COURT' StudyInsta = '1.2.392.200036.9125.2.1911412126218.64519496849.186812' AND PatientID = 'HUNTER''S COURT', Old='HUNTER'S COURT', Refused='HUNTER'
    20070502 15:52:13 ***Error saving to SQL: HUNTER'S_COURT\1.2.392.200036.9125.3.1911412126218.64519497103.186822_1006_001006_11781391330083.v2

    Using dabseIII with out ODBC
    Any help will be of great help thanks