Posts by leoforti

    I'm trying to import a folder with dicom files that sits in a shared folder in another machine. Conquest refuse to import the files with the message:

    ***[AddImageFile] \ip-of-the-remote-pc\shared-folder\dicomfile.dcm -FAILED: Error on Load

    but if I copy the exact file to a local folder, Conquest import the file without problems.

    I double check permissions of the folder, credentials, tried another pc, another operating system (xp, win7, win10) but same results.

    Any ideas? Thanks in advance


    Carefully inspecting the CS PACS configuration I found that JPG-NH14 transfer syntax was supported... but disabled (facepalm).

    Once enabled, I deleted ConQuest from site B, leaving only site A and now I send to both destinations (PACS and DiscPub) in a compressed and transparent manner.

    Since J2 compression does not fail with the CT images, it works.

    Thank you very very much for the help Marcel.

    In fact I liked ConQuest so much that I'm considering using it to build a dicom archive, due to its simplicity, versatility and small footprint (but I think that's better to leave it for another thread).

    Marcel, you're right!

    The script works, and the importconverter rules I had tried works too!

    My problems were two:

    1) The quotes are indeed necessary, but I had to put a space after the number and before the last quotes, only then the rules work: set 0028,0101 to "16 "

    2) the viewer I was using, MicroDicom, shows me that the image still has 12 bits stored, even though I made the modification! That's why I thought it did not work. When I open it with other dicom viewers, they show me correctly that BitsStored=16 (in fact, it was much easier to check it from ConQuest itself by right clicking the image and then clicking on Show Header ... do'h! :-P.

    Now, while the rules work, I notice that it still gives the error of OpenJP2 when receiving images, so I suspect that the ImportConverter rule is running after the image was stored and compressed.

    What should I do to apply the rule before the compression of the received images?


    I tried the lua script that you suggest. It doesn't fail but it doesn't work either.

    I also tried this:

    ImportConverters = 1

    ImportModality0 = CT

    ImportConverter0 = set 0028,0101 to 16

    but it doesn't work, the image still has 12 bits in the BitsStored tag. However with similar rules I can change others tags, strings for example, therefore I assumed that it would be the missing quotes. But no, doesn't work with: set 0028,0101 to "16" (nor '16').

    In a last attempt, I tried to copy the value of one tag to another: BitsAllocated to BitsStored (set 0028,0101 to "%V0028,0100") but it doesn't work either.
    What am I doing wrong ?


    You're right, I was overcomplicating things!

    I replaced the rules in both sites with just the one you indicated and now it works flawlessly. Thanks!

    Regarding the compression error, I checked the headers and I have:

    Allocated Bits: 16

    Stored Bits: 12 (*)

    High bit: 11

    which is consistent with CT images.

    (*) However, inquiring a little more I realized that this equipment is quite old (Elscint Mx Twin) and that it stores information of the overlay data in the 4 unused bits of the PixelData. So I took a couple of files and pass them thru the gdcmconv tool to remove this overlay data (gdcmconv --raw --force <input.dcm> <output.dcm>) and then re-imported them into Conquest. This time the compression went without problems !

    So now, how can I make Conquest ignore / remove that overlay data from the 4 unused bits? It's that possible?

    Thanks again.

    Thanks for the quick reply Marcel!

    I'll check the header of the images from that modalities to see what is going on with the bit depth.

    Regarding the rules, yes, I thought about adding the ORG clause in the ImportConverter rules, but in that case, how many rules should I create? Four rules? Because I would have to identify where each image comes from and make two chained ifequal-blocks. That is, first compare the calling AE to see the origin and then compare again, but this time the called AE to to check where its going. And the append the ORG clause with the modality name. Right ?

    Or maybe I can just to make two rules like above and simply use a variable?

    I mean something like this:

    ImportConverter0 = ifequal “%c”, “PACS”; { forward to PACS channel * ORG "%u"; destroy;}

    ImportConverter1 = ifequal “%c”, “DISC_PUB”; { forward to DISC_PUB channel * ORG "%u"; destroy; }

    Thanks again!


    I'm struggling with the following situation:

    Two sites (A and B) connected by a 10 Mbps symmetric link.

    Site A: two modalities (Elscint Twin CT Scanner and Philips Intera 0.5T MRI Scanner).

    Site B: two DICOM storage nodes: a PACS (Carestream VuePACS) and a Disc Publisher (Codonics Virtua).

    Due to the small bandwith, the image sending from A to B is painfully slow (upgrading the link is impossible right now due to ISP restrictions).

    So I mounted Conquest in site A acting like a dicom router: compressing and sending studies to their corresponding destination.

    However, if I use JPG-2000 or JGP-LS for image compression, Conquest fails with a "OPENJP2: compress input data out of range" error message.

    So I ended up using JPEG-Lossless instead (that works). The problem is, that neither the PACS nor the DiscPublisher recognize the compression type, so I had to install a second "Conquest-Router" in site B that basically does the reverse operation, that is, receives compressed images from Router-A and send them uncompressed to each node in site B.

    I set up this so far (names are fictitious as an example):

    SITE A

    - Both modalities have the site B destinations with their respective AE Titles, but the IP address and port of Router A instead.

    - Conquest 1.4.19b running in Windows 7 with SQLite DB (and cleanup at night) and listen at 5678.


    ROUTER_A 5678 un

    PACS <ip_addr_router_B> 5678 j2

    DISC_PUB <ip_addr_router_B> 5678 j2


    ExportConverters = 4

    ExportCallingAE0 = CT_SCANNER

    ExportCalledAE0 = PACS

    ExportConverter0 = forward compressed as j2 to PACS org CT_SCANNER

    ExportCallingAE1 = MRI_SCANNER

    ExportCalledAE1 = PACS

    ExportConverter1 = forward compressed as j2 to PACS org MRI_SCANNER

    ExportCallingAE2 = CT_SCANNER

    ExportCalledAE2 = DISC_PUB

    ExportConverter2 = forward compressed as j2 to DISC_PUB org CT_SCANNER

    ExportCallingAE3 = MRI_SCANNER

    ExportCalledAE3 = DISC_PUB

    ExportConverter3 = forward compressed as j2 to DISC_PUB org MRI_SCANNER

    SITE B

    - Conquest 1.4.19b running in Windows 7 without database (null).


    ROUTER_B 5678 un

    PACS <ip_addr_PACS> 2104 un

    DISC_PUB <ip_addr_DISCPUB> 104 un


    ImportConverter0 = ifequal “%c”, “PACS”; { forward to PACS channel *; destroy;}

    ImportConverter1 = ifequal “%c”, “DISC_PUB”; { forward to DISC_PUB channel *; destroy; }

    The above works and the transfer speeds increased considerably! ...but the problem that arise now is:

    How to make Conquest Routers "AE Title-transparent"? (in the sense that the PACS and DiscPublisher believe they are communicating directly with the modalities).

    Looking at the studies that are stored in the PACS, it seems that the calling AET is modified and replaced with the conquest AET (ie: ROUTER_B). How can I change that so the original (ie: the modalities) AET remains ? ¿It's that possible?

    And why does Conquest fail to compress with that message? Don't know where to start looking...

    I read the DICOM Conformance Statement of VuePACS and says it supports JPG-2000 maybe by solving that I could spare the Conquest in site B and avoid the problem of the AET at all.

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance! (and sorry my bad english, i'm from Argentina).

    Hi, I'm trying to forward print requests from a workstation and two scanners (a Gamma Camera and a MR) to a DICOM paper printer that is located on another network. I've another PC running test.exe with the following syntax: test -fp listeningPort printerIP printerPort logLevel.

    The workstation is running E-Efilm software under Windows.
    The gamma camera is a Mediso Nucline X-Ring-R, and is running a Mediso software (under Windows too).
    The magnetic resonator is a Philips Gyroscan Intera, and has a DEC Alpha console running a Philips software under OpenVMS.

    From the gamma camera and from E-Film, I can forward prints with no problems. But from the resonator the print jobs are sent but nothing happens (the three equipments are not printing simultaneously, so there is no risk of collisions or concurrent traffic).

    What could be happening? I post the logs below:

    - Printer AE Title is: VMPRINT
    - Efilm AE Title is : EFILM
    - GC AE Title is: INTERVIEWXP
    - MR AE Title is: PAPEL
    - The log level is: 3
    - test.exe was obtained from dicomlib1416 and is invoked as: test -fp 4010 4010 3

    Here are the logs:

    1) Printing from E-Film

    DICOM ERROR Connected by address: 0100007f

    A-ASSOCIATE-RQ Packet Dump
    Calling Application Title : "EFILM "
    Called Application Title : "VMPRINT "
    Application Context : "1.2.840.10008."
    Number of Proposed Presentation Contexts: 1
    Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008."
    --------------- command for request (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [60|3c]
    (0000, 0002, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (320|140)
    (0000, 0110, 02, Type Unknown) (23|17)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (258|102)
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    --------------- data for NCREATE request (1) -----------------
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    (2000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [54|36]
    (2000, 0010, 02, Type Unknown) (8241|2031)
    (2000, 0020, 04, Type Unknown) [541345101|2044454d]
    (2000, 0030, 06, Type Unknown) "PAPER "
    (2000, 0040, 10, Type Unknown) "PROCESSOR "
    Forwarding NCREATE-RQ 1
    Waiting for NCREATE-RSP
    --------------- response (command) (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [134|86]
    (0000, 0002, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (33088|8140)
    (0000, 0120, 02, Type Unknown) (23|17)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (258|102)
    (0000, 0900, 02, Type Unknown) (0|0)
    (0000, 1000, 56, Type Unknown) "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.6.25075.8832.20120921180702.
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    Forwarding NCREATE-RSP
    --------------- response (data) (1) -----------------
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [52|34]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    (0002, 0010, 18, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    (2000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [54|36]
    (2000, 0010, 02, Type Unknown) (8241|2031)
    (2000, 0020, 04, Type Unknown) [541345101|2044454d]
    (2000, 0030, 06, Type Unknown) "PAPER "
    (2000, 0040, 10, Type Unknown) "PROCESSOR "
    Forwarding NCREATE-RSP data field
    --------------- command for request (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [60|3c]
    (0000, 0002, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (320|140)
    (0000, 0110, 02, Type Unknown) (25|19)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (258|102)
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    --------------- data for NCREATE request (1) -----------------
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    (2010, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [278|116]
    (2010, 0010, 12, Type Unknown) "STANDARD\1,1"
    (2010, 0040, 08, Type Unknown) "PORTRAIT"
    (2010, 0050, 10, Type Unknown) "11INX17IN "
    (2010, 0080, 06, Type Unknown) "MEDIUM"
    (2010, 0100, 06, Type Unknown) "BLACK "
    (2010, 0110, 02, Type Unknown) (8241|2031)
    (2010, 0120, 02, Type Unknown) (1|1)
    (2010, 0130, 02, Type Unknown) (300|12c)
    (2010, 0140, 04, Type Unknown) [542328153|20534559]
    (2010, 0150, 00, Type Unknown) (null)
    (2010, 0500, 00, Type Unknown) (null)
    Forwarding NCREATE-RQ 1
    Waiting for NCREATE-RSP
    --------------- response (command) (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [134|86]
    (0000, 0002, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (33088|8140)
    (0000, 0120, 02, Type Unknown) (25|19)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (258|102)
    (0000, 0900, 02, Type Unknown) (0|0)
    (0000, 1000, 56, Type Unknown) "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.6.8410.20403.20120921180702.
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    Forwarding NCREATE-RSP
    --------------- response (data) (1) -----------------
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [52|34]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    (0002, 0010, 18, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    (2010, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [354|162]
    (2010, 0010, 12, Type Unknown) "STANDARD\1,1"
    (2010, 0040, 08, Type Unknown) "PORTRAIT"
    (2010, 0050, 10, Type Unknown) "11INX17IN "
    (2010, 0080, 06, Type Unknown) "MEDIUM"
    (2010, 0100, 06, Type Unknown) "BLACK "
    (2010, 0110, 02, Type Unknown) (8241|2031)
    (2010, 0120, 02, Type Unknown) (1|1)
    (2010, 0130, 02, Type Unknown) (300|12c)
    (2010, 0140, 04, Type Unknown) [542328153|20534559]
    (2010, 0150, 00, Type Unknown) (null)
    (2010, 0500, 102, Type Unknown) fffffffe(■)ffffffff( )00( )ffffffe0(Ó)5e(^)00( )
    00( )00( )08)00( )50(P)11(◄)16(▬)00( )00( )00( )
    (2010, 0510, 104, Type Unknown) fffffffe(■)ffffffff( )00( )ffffffe0(Ó)60(`)00( )
    00( )00( )08)00( )50(P)11(◄)18(↑)00( )00( )00( )
    Forwarding NCREATE-RSP data field
    --------------- command for request (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [124|7c]
    (0000, 0003, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (288|120)
    (0000, 0110, 02, Type Unknown) (27|1b)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (258|102)
    (0000, 1001, 56, Type Unknown) "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.6.13403.16926.20120921180702
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    --------------- data for NSET request (1) -----------------
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    (2010, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [28|1c]
    (2010, 0060, 06, Type Unknown) "CUBIC "
    (2010, 0080, 06, Type Unknown) "MEDIUM"
    (2020, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [10890198|a62bd6]
    (2020, 0010, 02, Type Unknown) (1|1)
    (2020, 0020, 06, Type Unknown) "NORMAL"
    (2020, 0110, 00, Type Unknown) (null)
    Forwarding NSET-RQ 1
    Waiting for NSET-RSP
    --------------- response (command) (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [134|86]
    (0000, 0002, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (33056|8120)
    (0000, 0120, 02, Type Unknown) (27|1b)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (257|101)
    (0000, 0900, 02, Type Unknown) (0|0)
    (0000, 1000, 56, Type Unknown) "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.6.13403.16926.20120921180702
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    Forwarding NSET-RSP
    --------------- command for request (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [134|86]
    (0000, 0003, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (304|130)
    (0000, 0110, 02, Type Unknown) (29|1d)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (257|101)
    (0000, 1001, 56, Type Unknown) "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.6.8410.20403.20120921180702.
    (0000, 1008, 02, Type Unknown) (1|1)
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    Forwarding NACTION-RQ 1
    Waiting for NACTION-RSP
    --------------- response (command) (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [134|86]
    (0000, 0002, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (33072|8130)
    (0000, 0120, 02, Type Unknown) (29|1d)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (257|101)
    (0000, 0900, 02, Type Unknown) (0|0)
    (0000, 1000, 56, Type Unknown) "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.6.8410.20403.20120921180702.
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    Forwarding NACTION-RSP
    --------------- command for request (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [124|7c]
    (0000, 0003, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (336|150)
    (0000, 0110, 02, Type Unknown) (31|1f)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (257|101)
    (0000, 1001, 56, Type Unknown) "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.6.8410.20403.20120921180702.
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    Forwarding NDELETE-RQ 1
    Waiting for NDELETE-RSP
    --------------- response (command) (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [134|86]
    (0000, 0002, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (33104|8150)
    (0000, 0120, 02, Type Unknown) (31|1f)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (257|101)
    (0000, 0900, 02, Type Unknown) (0|0)
    (0000, 1000, 56, Type Unknown) "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.6.8410.20403.20120921180702.
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    Forwarding NDELETE-RSP
    --------------- command for request (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [124|7c]
    (0000, 0003, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (336|150)
    (0000, 0110, 02, Type Unknown) (33|21)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (257|101)
    (0000, 1001, 56, Type Unknown) "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.6.25075.8832.20120921180702.
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    Forwarding NDELETE-RQ 1
    Waiting for NDELETE-RSP
    --------------- response (command) (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [134|86]
    (0000, 0002, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (33104|8150)
    (0000, 0120, 02, Type Unknown) (33|21)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (257|101)
    (0000, 0900, 02, Type Unknown) (0|0)
    (0000, 1000, 56, Type Unknown) "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.6.25075.8832.20120921180702.
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    Forwarding NDELETE-RSP

    2) Printing from the gamma camera.

    DICOM ERROR Connected by address: 4fc0c0c0

    A-ASSOCIATE-RQ Packet Dump
    Calling Application Title : "INTERVIEWXP "
    Called Application Title : "VMPRINT "
    Application Context : "1.2.840.10008."
    Number of Proposed Presentation Contexts: 1
    Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008."
    --------------- command for request (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [90|5a]
    (0000, 0003, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (272|110)
    (0000, 0110, 02, Type Unknown) (5029|13a5)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (257|101)
    (0000, 1001, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    Forwarding NGET-RQ 1
    Waiting for NGET-RSP
    --------------- response (command) (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [100|64]
    (0000, 0002, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (33040|8110)
    (0000, 0120, 02, Type Unknown) (5029|13a5)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (258|102)
    (0000, 0900, 02, Type Unknown) (0|0)
    (0000, 1000, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    Forwarding NGET-RSP
    --------------- response (data) (1) -----------------
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    (0008, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [36|24]
    (0008, 0070, 12, Type Unknown) "VisualMedica"
    (0008, 1090, 08, Type Unknown) "VMPrint "
    (0018, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [16|10]
    (0018, 1020, 08, Type Unknown) "1.0.130 "
    (2110, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [44|2c]
    (2110, 0010, 06, Type Unknown) "NORMAL"
    (2110, 0020, 06, Type Unknown) "NORMAL"
    (2110, 0030, 08, Type Unknown) "VMPrint "
    Forwarding NGET-RSP data field
    --------------- command for request (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [60|3c]
    (0000, 0002, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (320|140)
    (0000, 0110, 02, Type Unknown) (5033|13a9)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (258|102)
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    --------------- data for NCREATE request (1) -----------------
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    (2000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [66|42]
    (2000, 0010, 02, Type Unknown) (8241|2031)
    (2000, 0020, 04, Type Unknown) [1212631368|48474948]
    (2000, 0030, 10, Type Unknown) "BLUE FILM "
    (2000, 0040, 10, Type Unknown) "PROCESSOR "
    (2000, 0050, 00, Type Unknown) (null)
    Forwarding NCREATE-RQ 1
    Waiting for NCREATE-RSP
    --------------- response (command) (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [134|86]
    (0000, 0002, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (33088|8140)
    (0000, 0120, 02, Type Unknown) (5033|13a9)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (258|102)
    (0000, 0900, 02, Type Unknown) (0|0)
    (0000, 1000, 56, Type Unknown) "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.6.3711.28228.20120921181540.
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    Forwarding NCREATE-RSP
    --------------- response (data) (1) -----------------
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [52|34]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    (0002, 0010, 18, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    (2000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [66|42]
    (2000, 0010, 02, Type Unknown) (8241|2031)
    (2000, 0020, 04, Type Unknown) [1212631368|48474948]
    (2000, 0030, 10, Type Unknown) "BLUE FILM "
    (2000, 0040, 10, Type Unknown) "PROCESSOR "
    (2000, 0050, 00, Type Unknown) (null)
    Forwarding NCREATE-RSP data field
    --------------- command for request (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [60|3c]
    (0000, 0002, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (320|140)
    (0000, 0110, 02, Type Unknown) (5041|13b1)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (258|102)
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    --------------- data for NCREATE request (1) -----------------
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    (2010, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [244|f4]
    (2010, 0010, 12, Type Unknown) "STANDARD\1,1"
    (2010, 0040, 10, Type Unknown) "LANDSCAPE "
    (2010, 0050, 10, Type Unknown) "14INX17IN "
    (2010, 0060, 06, Type Unknown) "CUBIC "
    (2010, 0100, 06, Type Unknown) "BLACK "
    (2010, 0110, 06, Type Unknown) "BLACK "
    (2010, 0500, 00, Type Unknown) (null)
    Forwarding NCREATE-RQ 1
    Waiting for NCREATE-RSP
    --------------- response (command) (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [134|86]
    (0000, 0002, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (33088|8140)
    (0000, 0120, 02, Type Unknown) (5041|13b1)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (258|102)
    (0000, 0900, 02, Type Unknown) (0|0)
    (0000, 1000, 56, Type Unknown) "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.6.25425.2573.20120921181541.
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    Forwarding NCREATE-RSP
    --------------- response (data) (1) -----------------
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [52|34]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    (0002, 0010, 18, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    (2010, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [320|140]
    (2010, 0010, 12, Type Unknown) "STANDARD\1,1"
    (2010, 0040, 10, Type Unknown) "LANDSCAPE "
    (2010, 0050, 10, Type Unknown) "14INX17IN "
    (2010, 0060, 06, Type Unknown) "CUBIC "
    (2010, 0100, 06, Type Unknown) "BLACK "
    (2010, 0110, 06, Type Unknown) "BLACK "
    (2010, 0500, 102, Type Unknown) fffffffe(■)ffffffff( )00( )ffffffe0(Ó)5e(^)00( )
    00( )00( )08)00( )50(P)11(◄)16(▬)00( )00( )00( )
    (2010, 0510, 104, Type Unknown) fffffffe(■)ffffffff( )00( )ffffffe0(Ó)60(`)00( )
    00( )00( )08)00( )50(P)11(◄)18(↑)00( )00( )00( )
    Forwarding NCREATE-RSP data field
    --------------- command for request (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [124|7c]
    (0000, 0003, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (288|120)
    (0000, 0110, 02, Type Unknown) (5049|13b9)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (258|102)
    (0000, 1001, 56, Type Unknown) "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.6.15973.4522.20120921181541.
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    --------------- data for NSET request (1) -----------------
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    (2020, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [6195172|5e87e4]
    (2020, 0010, 02, Type Unknown) (1|1)
    (2020, 0110, 00, Type Unknown) (null)
    Forwarding NSET-RQ 1
    Waiting for NSET-RSP
    --------------- response (command) (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [134|86]
    (0000, 0002, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (33056|8120)
    (0000, 0120, 02, Type Unknown) (5049|13b9)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (257|101)
    (0000, 0900, 02, Type Unknown) (0|0)
    (0000, 1000, 56, Type Unknown) "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.6.15973.4522.20120921181541.
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    Forwarding NSET-RSP
    --------------- command for request (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [134|86]
    (0000, 0003, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (304|130)
    (0000, 0110, 02, Type Unknown) (5055|13bf)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (257|101)
    (0000, 1001, 56, Type Unknown) "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.6.3711.28228.20120921181540.
    (0000, 1008, 02, Type Unknown) (1|1)
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    Forwarding NACTION-RQ 1
    Waiting for NACTION-RSP
    --------------- response (command) (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [134|86]
    (0000, 0002, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (33072|8130)
    (0000, 0120, 02, Type Unknown) (5055|13bf)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (257|101)
    (0000, 0900, 02, Type Unknown) (0|0)
    (0000, 1000, 56, Type Unknown) "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.6.3711.28228.20120921181540.
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    Forwarding NACTION-RSP
    --------------- command for request (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [124|7c]
    (0000, 0003, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (336|150)
    (0000, 0110, 02, Type Unknown) (5059|13c3)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (257|101)
    (0000, 1001, 56, Type Unknown) "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.6.3711.28228.20120921181540.
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    Forwarding NDELETE-RQ 1
    Waiting for NDELETE-RSP
    --------------- response (command) (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [134|86]
    (0000, 0002, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (33104|8150)
    (0000, 0120, 02, Type Unknown) (5059|13c3)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (257|101)
    (0000, 0900, 02, Type Unknown) (0|0)
    (0000, 1000, 56, Type Unknown) "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.6.3711.28228.20120921181540.
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    Forwarding NDELETE-RSP

    3) Printing from the MR

    DICOM ERROR Connected by address: c9c0c0c0

    A-ASSOCIATE-RQ Packet Dump
    Calling Application Title : "PAPEL "
    Called Application Title : "VMPRINT "
    Application Context : "1.2.840.10008."
    Number of Proposed Presentation Contexts: 1
    Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008."
    --------------- command for request (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [118|76]
    (0000, 0003, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (272|110)
    (0000, 0110, 02, Type Unknown) (0|0)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (257|101)
    (0000, 1001, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 1005, 20, Type Unknown) 10(►)21(!)30(0)00( )08)00( )70(p)00( )08)00( )fff
    fff90(É)10(►)18(↑)00( )00( )10(►)
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    Forwarding NGET-RQ 1
    Waiting for NGET-RSP
    --------------- response (command) (1) -----------------
    (0000, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [100|64]
    (0000, 0002, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0000, 0100, 02, Type Unknown) (33040|8110)
    (0000, 0120, 02, Type Unknown) (0|0)
    (0000, 0800, 02, Type Unknown) (258|102)
    (0000, 0900, 02, Type Unknown) (0|0)
    (0000, 1000, 22, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008."
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    Forwarding NGET-RSP
    --------------- response (data) (1) -----------------
    (0002, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [26|1a]
    (0002, 0010, 17, Type Unknown) "1.2.840.10008.1.2"
    (0008, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [36|24]
    (0008, 0070, 12, Type Unknown) "VisualMedica"
    (0008, 1090, 08, Type Unknown) "VMPrint "
    (0018, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [16|10]
    (0018, 1020, 08, Type Unknown) "1.0.130 "
    (2110, 0000, 04, Type Unknown) [44|2c]
    (2110, 0010, 06, Type Unknown) "NORMAL"
    (2110, 0020, 06, Type Unknown) "NORMAL"
    (2110, 0030, 08, Type Unknown) "VMPrint "
    Forwarding NGET-RSP data field

    The message "DICOM error Connected by address" always appears... but i can print from the camera and the efilm :?

    Thanks in advance, any help or comment is appreciated!!
    ( and sorry for my bad English, I'm from Argentina )
