Posts by shornesr

    Is this the section that needs changed?

    # Host(ignored), name, username and password for ODBC data source
    SQLHost = localhost
    SQLServer = C:\dicomserver\Data\dbase\conquest.db3
    Username =
    Password =
    SqLite = 1
    BrowseThroughDBF = 1
    DoubleBackSlashToDB = 0
    UseEscapeStringConstants = 0

    I just installed the Conquest DICOM Server for Windows on a Windows Server 2008 system using IIS7 for web server and the built in SQLite. I am able to bring up the web interface alright with the search boxes, etc... However, there are no results coming back from a search. The next page loads with the headers for columns but no results showing...

    What could be the issue?