Posts by cirollo

    how can I specify "no database"???
    I guess is in the following lines....

    # Host(ignored), name, username and password for ODBC data source
    SQLHost = localhost
    SQLServer = C:\conquest\Data\dbase\
    Username = conquest
    Password = conquest
    DoubleBackSlashToDB = 0
    UseEscapeStringConstants = 0


    Dear Marcel

    I'm using Conquest only to retrieve images from US machine and put them in a folder.
    I specify the folder each time writing Export Converters in dicom.ini.
    I don't need all the server functionality (tables, query mode, viewer, ...)
    Do I need only dgate.exe and dicom.ini to install on the pc?

    which are the minimum files needed to do this function?


    dear Marcel

    tried what suggested, but I wasn't able to do the transfer. I made the following steps:

    - installation of conquest in c:\dicom AE conquestsrv1 port 5679 (the standard port) DBF Archive
    - new installation of conquest in c:\conquest AE conquestsrv2 port 5678 DBF Archive

    when I tried the query/move operations, (from one server to the other) I cannot see the other in destination combobox. Neither in know dicom providers, there I found only 1 server a time. Tried also to add the other one in know dicom providers manually.

    What was wrong?
    Obviously, the 2 server are running.
    Let me know


    ok marcel, I'll try it!
    regarding dicom SR, I need informations about measurements made on the US machine (i.e. head circunference, femor length,...).
    Where does conquest put these informations? There is a specific DB table??? I discovered that other software transform these into xml files....

    Let me know....


    Hi! I've the following item to realize:

    I'll put Conquest linked to an Ultrasound machine to receive dicom images over the network.
    But, before this, I'll have to test the functionalities at office.
    I don't have an US machine here.
    Can I simulate the situation above with another pc with Conquest or, better, with two istances of Conquest on the same pc (with AE and port different) ????

    Let me know.....

    Another question: Conquest supports (and how does it works) DICOM SR (structured report)???


    I tried
    ExportConverter1 = dgate.exe "--convert_to_jpg:%f,600,D:\www\temp\%i\%b.jpg,//0"
    and works great!
    But, the maximum resolution I was able to obtain is 640x480
    This was made setting the value 600 to 1024.
    I need Standard PAL resolution 720x576. Is possible to obtain this?


    Hi Marcel!

    only this question:

    I would like to make a new GUI for the server, in italian language.
    With the source code downloaded from your website (dgate and dicomlib) is possible to do this?

    In which programming language is possible to make modifications to the GUI?

    Is possibile to make a new GUI using your dll and calling its methods and events (for example in Visual Fox Pro)?

    Regards and....wish you a merry christmas and happy new year.



    But, I would like to install the server only copying the files in a folder (for example: c:\conquest) and I don't need the splash screen on startup with the choice of dbase/odbc.

    If I prepare the dbase on my pc, in the folder c:\conquest\data, and then copy it on my hospital pc, it works?

    And, sometimes, do I need to empty the database, otherwise it will become too large for our hard disks....., or I can do this operation at the start of the server sistematically?


    Hi! I'm using Your conquest successfully!
    Now, in my hospital, I need only the image retrieving functionality.
    Explaining better:
    -we have an ultrasound machine.
    -we're currently sending with dicom store button on the US images and studies to the pc with conquest server.

    I need to transfer only the images, in JPEG format, in a folder specified as magdevice0 in dicom.ini.

    I don't need database and DBF tables. So, it should work like this:

    -I specify the folder in dicom.ini
    -I read dicom.ini with dgate -read_ini command in dos
    -I receive the images
    -I put the images (JPEG files) on a CD or DVD with cd burning software

    the server should start, without GUI, as system service.

    Is possible????

    PS I need this because we're more than one sonographer and everyone changed the server configuration from the gui causing troubles.
    To avoid this, we need only images.


    ok, that's it!!!

    only one last question.....I'm passing the mag0 device from my application overwriting the dicom.ini files with a new one.

    Then, I should use the command readfromini, but, do I have to launch the server dgate.exe -v first or I can launch the readfromini and after starting the server?

    thanks, marcel


    Thanks Marcel, but I've a problem:

    if I start the server from command window (dos) i.e. dgate.exe -v everything seems to work fine

    but, if I launch it from the command windows of my programming language (visual fox pro) with the command:

    run start /min c:\dicom\dgate.exe -v

    the dgate reports the following error and the server doesn't start:

    not enough rights to write in mag0

    why? the folder specified in mag0 is always the same c:\dicom\data

    thanks for your suggestion



    I would like to know which files should be included in a installation considering that no GUI is needed but all should be made with dgate.exe and dicom.ini


    so, I tried your commands and in the ini file the mag0device changed, but on the gui of conquest server still remains the older. when I closed and reopened the server, the path changed....

    my question is:

    I would like to make an application that, without the gui (conquest server) will receive ONLY (for now) incoming images, not interested in study for now.

    All should be made changing values in dicom.ini (magdevice0, AE, etc...) with dgate instructions.

    I need also to start and stop the server from dgate instructions.

    The incoming images should be in jpeg format, or I need a dgate instruction to convert them.

    All the dgate instructions should be in a dos batch (.bat) file that I'll launch from my application (i.e. do startdicom.bat)

    Is possibile? Thanks


    Is possible, when the server is launched, to change the directory to store the dicom files, for example: my directory will be different for each exam, i.e. c:\dicom_files\exam1 or c:\dicom_files\exam2, ..... i would like to pass the value with a variable or to write the new folder directly in dicom.ini Do I have to close the server, change the value and relaunch again?

    When I tried to do that with conquest server open, in the gui the folder for incoming data was always the old one, until i stopped and relaunched the server...

    So, the question is, can I change the folder "on the fly"?

    Hi guys! I'm a newbie in conquest but quite enthusiast for starting, I would like to know something about the following situations:

    - I would like to setup conquest automatically, without opening the gui. Is possibile, maybe using dgate command line, to launch the server, receiving dicom files (I need only those for now, not the entire study) and then close the server? I've to do this from another application for ultrasound exams reporting.

    - Is possible, when the server is launched, to change the directory to store the dicom files, for example: my directory will be different for each exam, i.e. c:\dicom_files\exam1 or c:\dicom_files\exam2, ..... i would like to pass the value with a variable or to write the new folder directly in dicom.ini Do I have to close the server, change the value and relaunch again?

    sorry for my english, i write from italy.