Posts by cirollo

    So, you give me an hint!
    I recreate dicom.ini each time (changes the destination path of the images) as you can see from the following code (is visual foxpro)

    maybe something goes wrong during this? how can I check or make a better batch to do what i need?

    thanks, regards

    Hi Marcel!

    I'm still getting problems with conquest and w7 or vista. Just about two hour ago, on a vista machine the service failed to start, opening the GUI it asked me again as for first installation, it seems the the configuration file became corrupted or missing

    this is not the first time i encounter this problem.
    Other problem is that, even if the service is running, opening the gui it says the service is not running properly, attempting to start, and so on

    So How can I do to make the service running ever?

    Let me know, in waiting to hear from You, best regards,


    dear Marcel, this morning another problem

    at the start of win, conquest service is present but not working, clicking on the gui shortcut I get this error:

    the server is installed as service but the service is not running
    attempting to start the conquestsvr1 now

    then a new installation start??!?!?!!?

    what is happening????

    dear Marcel, I downloaded 1.4.17 alpha and installed to my customer

    now when I click kill and restart I've got this message:

    failed to stop service - you may need to run this program as administrator

    even If i put in the link run as administrator!!!!!

    please find a solution!!!!

    win7 home premium 64bit SP1

    this is pacstrouble

    20130507 10:53:32 ***Failed to Listen () - bind error
    20130507 10:55:23 ***Failed to Listen () - bind error
    20130507 10:55:39 ***Failed to Listen () - bind error

    Dear Marcel, I've an Ultrasound Machine that, instead of a SR, send measuremts with a dicom file like this

    How can I recognize that is a measurement file and not an image file, so I can read it like a txt file?
    Is there something similar to modality (as for SR)??

    PS I cannot attach the file, give me an email address if you need it.

    Let me know, regards

    If I put

    ImportConverter3 = ifequal "%m","SR";system dsr2xml.exe C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\MR20130210\misure.dcm C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\MR20130210\misure.xml

    doesn't work! no conversion at all

    Ok, I've found it!

    but now I'm getting problems with dsr2xml utility....

    if I put

    ImportConverter2 = ifequal "%m","SR";process with dsr2xml.exe C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\temp.dcm C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\misure.xml

    on the conquest server window I get

    [CONQUESTSRV1] Importconverter2.1 executes: process with dsr2xml.exe C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\temp.dcm C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\misure.xml C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\printer_files\1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.135.730956.43877812.6.1363878834.760.0.dcm

    and, of course, doesn't work, why is the %f added at the end?
    If i put the same command in a .bat file and launch it, it works! maybe I need some particular syntax for parameters???

    PS if I launch with system doesn't work, with process to it works!


    Hi Marcel!

    I've this in dicom.ini

    # Configuration of disk(s) to store imagesMAGDeviceThreshhold = 0MAGDevices = 1MAGDevice0 = C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\NightlyCleanThreshhold = 0ImportConverters = 5ImportConverter0 = save to C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\temp.dcmImportConverter1 = ifequal '%m','SR';stop;process with dgate.exe "--convert_to_jpg:C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\temp.dcm,1024,C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\%V0020,0013.jpg,//0ImportConverter2 = ifnotequal '%m','SR';stop;system dsr2xml.exe C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\temp.dcm C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\misure.xmlImportConverter3 = rm C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\temp.dcmImportConverter4 = destroy

    I've also tested the %m and this is the result

    [CONQUESTSRV1] Importconverter1.0: nop ImportConverter logs modality: SR

    this is what happens in the server status window

    [CONQUESTSRV1] DGATE (1.4.15, build Wed Jul 14 15:56:50 2010, bits 64) is running as threaded server[CONQUESTSRV1] Database type: NULL driver (black hole)[CONQUESTSRV1] User interface test: local server is running![CONQUESTSRV1] [CONQUESTSRV1] UPACS THREAD 0: STARTED AT: Thu Mar 21 15:19:14 2013[CONQUESTSRV1] Calling Application Title : "TEST "[CONQUESTSRV1] Called Application Title : "ALPHA10 "[CONQUESTSRV1] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 27740[CONQUESTSRV1] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008.1.1" 1[CONQUESTSRV1] Presentation Context 1 "1.2.840.10008." 1[CONQUESTSRV1] Presentation Context 2 "1.2.840.10008." 1[CONQUESTSRV1] Importconverter0.0 executes: save to C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\temp.dcm[CONQUESTSRV1] Importconverter4.0: destroyed received image[CONQUESTSRV1] Importconverter0.0 executes: save to C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\temp.dcm[CONQUESTSRV1] Importconverter4.0: destroyed received image[CONQUESTSRV1] UPACS THREAD 0: ENDED AT: Thu Mar 21 15:19:15 2013[CONQUESTSRV1] UPACS THREAD 0: TOTAL RUNNING TIME: 1 SECONDS

    this is in debug mode

    Hi Marcel!

    today at 3 p.m. I'll try your hint

    by the way, could you supply me also an exportconverter example to test if the import doesn't work?

    Sorry but I can use this US machine only when the clinic is closed, just one afternoon a week



    It doesn't work Marcel!!!

    I've tried this way:

    ImportConverters = 5ImportConverter0 = save to C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\EG20130316\temp.dcmImportConverter1 = ifequal "%m","SR";stop;process with dgate.exe "--convert_to_jpg:C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\EG20130316\temp.dcm,1024,C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\EG20130316\%V0020,0013.jpg,//0"ImportConverter2 = ifnotequal "%m","SR";stop;dsr2xml.exe C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\EG20130316\temp.dcm C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\EG20130316\misure.xmlImportConverter3 = rm C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\EG20130316\temp.dcmImportConverter4 = destroy

    but it seems that if I'm sending an image (slide) it works (import converter 1), while when I send the SR report the importconverter 2 is skipped, on the server page I find only import converter 0 and 4, why????????

    if I try with export converters?

    infact, if I put only this in dicom.ini it works (no slide retrieving)

    ExportModality0 = SR
    ExportConverter0 = dsr2xml.exe %f "+C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\EG20130316\misure.xml

    an example with both image and SR retrieving?

    Ok Marcel, I understand!

    but should not be in this way???

    ImportConverter0 = save to tempfile.dcm
    ImportConverter1 = ifnotequal "%m","SR"; stop; system dgate.exe --convert_to_jpg:tempfile.dcm,1024,tempfile.jpg,//0
    ImportConverter2 = ifequal "%m","SR"; stop; system dsr2xml.exe tempfile.dcm misure.xml
    ImportConverter3 = rm tempfile.dcm
    ImportConverter4 = destroy

    what I don't understand is that the SR file is received at the end of the study (in US machines)
    so, I can get the single dicom image with

    ImportConverter0 = save to "+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"\temp.dcmImportConverter1 = process with dgate.exe "+'"'+"--convert_to_jpg:"+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"\temp.dcm,1024,"+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"\"+ALLTRIM(PATHSRVDCM)+",//0"+'"'+";destroy

    and then only the SR with

    ImportModality2 = SRImportConverter2 = dsr2xml.exe %f "+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"misure.xml

    with export converters all worked in this sequence:

    ExportConverters = 2
    ExportConverter0 = dgate.exe "+'"'+"--convert_to_jpg:%f,1024,"+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"\"+"%b.jpg,//0
    ExportModality1 = SR
    ExportConverter1 = dsr2xml.exe %f "+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"misure.xml

    another question: where I can find the last dsr2xml.exe utility?

    Hi Marcel!

    I don't understand....

    before SR I have
    ImportConverters = 2
    ImportConverter0 = save to "+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"\temp.dcm
    ImportConverter1 = process with dgate.exe "+'"'+"--convert_to_jpg:"+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"\temp.dcm,1024,"+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"\"+ALLTRIM(PATHSRVDCM)+",//0"+'"'+";destroy

    so the import convertes should change from 2 to 3, and is not sufficient to add this line??:
    ImportModality2 = SR
    ImportConverter2 = dsr2xml.exe %f "+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"misure.xml

    I don't understand your example:

    ImportConverter0 = save to tempfile.dcm
    ImportConverter1 = system dgate.exe --convert_to_jpg:tempfile.dcm,1024,tempfile.jpg,//0
    ImportConverter2 = system dsr2xml.exe tempfile.dcm misure.xml (I NEED ONLY THIS????)
    ImportConverter3 = rm tempfile.dcm
    ImportConverter4 = destroy

    Hi! in a old version of Conquest (14) I used these commands in dicom.ini

    ExportConverters = 2ExportConverter0 = dgate.exe "+'"'+"--convert_to_jpg:%f,1024,"+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"\"+"%b.jpg,//0ExportModality1 = SRExportConverter1 = dsr2xml.exe %f "+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"misure.xml

    upgrading to a new version (16 or 17) Marcel suggested me to use import converters instead of export converters, so I changed the first lines in this way:

    ImportConverters = 2
    ImportConverter0 = save to "+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"\temp.dcm
    ImportConverter1 = process with dgate.exe "+'"'+"--convert_to_jpg:"+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"\temp.dcm,1024,"+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"\"+ALLTRIM(PATHSRVDCM)+",//0"+'"'+";destroy

    Now I need to use also SR modality, so how would I change the previous ExportConverter1 into ImportConverter2 to make it work?

    PS ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM) and ALLTRIM(PATHSRVDCM) are 2 variables that contains the path of the folder to store images.

    Let me know....and regards!

    Sorry Marcel, it was my fault!!!

    I've noticed that in 1.4.16 and 1.4.16 the dcm2jpg isn't inside the downloaded zip file, while in 1.4.15 I have it in my server directory.

    After copying the dcm2jpg files everything works, but with the newer version is better to use another way to convert dcm to jpg???