Posts by ajg


    Got another problem. It seems the something isnot running as expect with importconverters.

    Using this lines in dicom.ini
    ImportConverters = 1
    ImportModality0 = CT
    ImportConverter0 = compression J1

    Im Getting this error

    [LOCALPACS] [recompress]: recompressed with mode = un (strip=0)
    [LOCALPACS] Importconverter0.0: compression to J1
    [LOCALPACS] [recompress]: recompressed with mode = J1 (strip=0)
    [LOCALPACS] Query Tables: DICOMImages
    [LOCALPACS] Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName
    [LOCALPACS] Where : SOPInstanc = ''
    [LOCALPACS] Order : (null)
    [LOCALPACS] FreeStore Left 77289 on F:\
    [LOCALPACS] No image number
    [LOCALPACS] No Series number
    [LOCALPACS] No Series UID
    [LOCALPACS] No Study UID
    [LOCALPACS] No Patient ID
    [LOCALPACS] No Patient Name

    Check the image file headers and every things seem to be in order.

    (0002,0000) UL 196 # 4 MetaElementGroupLength
    (0002,0001) OB \00\01 # 2 FileMetaInformationVersion
    (0002,0002) UI [1.2.840.10008.] # 26 MediaStorageSOPClassUID
    (0002,0003) UI [1.2.840.113619.] # 52 MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID
    (0002,0010) UI [1.2.840.10008.] # 22 TransferSyntaxUID
    (0002,0012) UI [1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.135.1066.101] # 34 ImplementationClassUID
    (0002,0013) SH [1.4.13/WIN32] # 12 ImplementationVersionName
    (0008,0000) UL 1208 # 4 IdentifyingGroupLength
    (0008,0005) CS [ISO_IR 100] # 10 SpecificCharacterSet
    (0008,0008) CS [ORIGINAL\\PRIMARY\\AXIAL] # 22 ImageType
    (0008,0012) DA [20041124] # 8 InstanceCreationDate
    (0008,0013) TM [123730] # 6 InstanceCreationTime
    (0008,0016) UI [1.2.840.10008.] # 26 SOPClassUID
    (0008,0018) UI [1.2.840.113619.] # 52 SOPInstanceUID

    I'm trying to to limit the compression to images only and not structure reports or presentation. Our systems cannot
    process compressed reports. Is there any other way to do this without using importconverters?



    We recently acquired a mammogram and have successfully configured the conquest pacs v 1.4.14. When we enabled
    JPEGLossless (j1) we encounter errors when trying to retrieve the report. The report has a UID of 1.2.840.10008. and 1.2.840.10008. The log files from the pacs show terminated the communication.
    This does not happen when jpeg compression is disabled. Is this expected?

    Is there a was to selectively compress incoming images only and not the structured report?



    I have encountered a similar problem when using 1.4.14 release. It seems to be related to the number of export converters and or import converters.
    This observation comes from the fact that it appeared in my setup when I started using more than 3. This went away when I reduced this to 3. Maybe you can try reducing the numbers and see
    if it resolves the problem


    Just a few correction the dicom ini is

    ExportConverters = 1
    ExportConverter0 = cmd /c mkdir "R:\LOCALPACS\Data\jpeg\%V0010,0010\%V0020,0011"; dcmj2pnm +oj +Wm +a %f "R:\LOCALPACS\Data\jpeg\%V0010,0010\%V0020,0011\%b.jpg"

    The directories are properly created but there are no jpeg images



    Im trying to do the same thing with windows but i cant seem to get any jpeg images
    my dicom ini is as follows

    ExportConverters = 2
    ExportConverter0 = mkdir "R:\LOCALPACS\Data\jpeg\%V0010,0010\%V0020,0011"
    ExportConverter1 = dcmj2pnm +oj +Wm +a %f "R:\LOCALPACS\Data\jpeg\%V0010,0010\%V0020,0011\%b.jpg"

    the server log shows
    [CONQUESTSRV2] Exportconverter0.0 executes: mkdir "R:\PACS_SERVERS\LOCALPACS_MR_2\Data\jpeg\DandyWalker\4"
    [CONQUESTSRV2] Exportconverter1.0 executes: dcmj2pnm +oj +Wm +a R:\LOCALPACS\data\0110817\ "R:\PACS_SERVERS\LOCALPACS_MR_2\Data\jpeg\DandyWalker\4\"

    but when i look at the directory it only shows the dicom image files. There are no jpeg files

    anyone with an idea what going on?



    I've test J1 and J2 compression since v1312 to the present latest release. The important difference I've encountered between the two is that J2 compression is not compatible with eFilm workstation dicom import feature. The end result of a J2 compressed image after import is garbled image. If you do use eFilm, retrieve J2 images using the dgate as a PACS server, just don't use import. Kpacs workstation does the import properly.



    I had a similar problem with mysql 5.0 version greater than 5.0.22. When I reverted to 5.0.22 and used the my.ini configuration recommended in the conquest manual 14.12c, that solved the performance problem.

    What version of mysql do you currently use?

    I hope this helps


    Discovered that dgate 14.13 command in the ExportConverter condition below is space sensitive.

    ExportConverter0 = ifequal "%V0008,0090[0,10]","xxxxxxxxxx"; forward study to AE

    If space between the words "forward to" is more than 1, the following errors are displayed.

    2008-04-18 12:06:33 AM [LOCALPACS] ***Exportconverter0: Spawning 'forward to DESK' failed (argv=R:\images\CT2006\20060209^^\\

    To anyone who is having the same problem. The solution is to make certain you have no more than 1 space between words in the command.



    Tested the 32 bit dgate version 1.4.13 on XP x64 and it is working. This is with 32 bit MySQL.

    I'm still getting an error when I replaced the 32 bite dgate file with the 64 bit version . ( using 32 bit libmySQL)

    This is the error message I get.

    4/15/2008 3:34:17 AM [LOCALPACS2] DGATE (1.4.13, build Sun Nov 18 23:02:00 2007) is running as threaded server
    4/15/2008 3:34:17 AM [LOCALPACS2] ***Error connecting datasource:conquest user:root password:

    dicom.ini file listing is

    SQLHost = localhost
    SQLServer = conquest
    Username = root
    Password =
    MySql = 1
    DoubleBackSlashToDB = 1



    I've been able to run dgate 64 bit on Windows XP x64 using dbase III.
    Have not been able to run it using MySQL x64 or x64. It seems that dgate server is unable to recognize the SQL server.

    Used both the 32 and 64 bit libmysql.dll. Has anyone made it work?



    I manage to correct the problem of dcmcjpeg changing the header to secondary image by using the newer OFFIS DCMTK (DICOM ToolKit) software version 3.5.4. This is a downloadable win i386 binary from the website.

    Maybe it would be possible to upgrade the compression tool distributed with conquest. The newer verison has New lossless JPEG encoder that guarantees "true lossless" compression in contrast to the old implementation which could cause rounding errors in certain cases.



    The gui interface of conquest is able to list studies by date. Would it be possible to have a similar feature for --delete? This would easily clear the archive by year, month, day.

    My encounter with other radiology departments is that they keep the latest 2-5 years study for easy retrieval. The rest are save off the pacs data storage in DVD or tapes.

    It would be nice to easily clean old studies.


    You are correct. The cause of the fault is a malformed dicom image file. It triggers an out of memory fault with version 1413, and yes it is ignored in version 1412c. Removing the file from the storage data solved the problem. I will send the file to through your mail.

    Thanks for the tip.



    After installing the new version of conquest (version 1413) I decided to regenerate the index file. I'm using MySql ver 5.0.22 in the windows XP pro system. It has I G memory. MySql ini file is pattern after the suggestion in the manual. Our data is 1 terabyte approx 2mil images

    First did a dgate -v -r and got this error

    CTPACS] ***VR:ReAlloc out of memory allocating 1701273966 bytes
    [CTPACS] ***A fatal error occurred (out of memory) - closing server

    Tried to do a maintainance re-index of MAG0 using the GUI interface and still got the same error.

    Has anyone encountered the same problem?


    I'm running the a regeneration of index with Conquest version 1412c. Will update if the same error occurs.

    Have been testing 1413beta for sometime now. There are some complains that the server is slowing down.

    using 1 exportconverter with "forward study to AE"

    Initial observation is CPU usage up 90 to 100% after all images have been forwarded and stay in this state for a longer period of time than before. This is at least 3 minutes while doing nothing. A kill restart corrects the problem. Using native libmysql.