Posts by pmstacey

    Sure thing. Also, I just tried it with my K-Pacs, it did the same thing. But if I use the K-PACS or IQ-VIEW to query a Cedeara PACS, it only gives the study I asked for even though there are more studies related to the patient.

    So I don't think it is an IQ-VIEW or KPACS problem. It must be something with the Conquest. I am using the default database and also version 1.4.12C. I had too many problems with the lastest version, especially with the memory.

    That is what I mean, I only asked for one CT and got 2 CT and 2 CR. All of that is in the data folder in the folder with that patient ID.



      (431 Byte, downloaded 297 times, last: )

    attached is the logs from both iQ-View and Conquest. This is a perfect example. I queried by "today" and then selected the patient ID and then queried again by the ID. There were four studies (Bolden). I looked in the folder (data) in Conquest and saw all four studies. I then selected only 1 CT to be retrieved and ended up with all four studies.


    (Marcel: I downloaded and deleted the attachment)

    Marcel, it is not a "problem". It is how it is designed I thought.

    I have two places where I use Conquest Dicom. One is a hospital (Sister's) and the other a medical group (BMG). I have 7 radiologist that query and retrieve using iQ-View. When they query, it is usually with a modality filter (for their specialty) and by a date. They will get a result back showing what they want. When they then retrieve, EVERYTHING that is in that folder (wich is in the data folder and each folder is identified by patient ID number and corresponds with the patient ID on the query) comes over, not just the study the are marking to retrieve.

    What happens on the institution side is that they send all their images automaticallly to our Conquest Dicom. For example:

    Tom Jones had an MRI done on 1-5-09. That MRI is sent to our server under the patient ID. It is put in a folder that corresponds with that ID number in the data folder in Conquest.

    If Tom Jones also had a CT done on 12-21-08, it is already in that folder on the server, so the end results is that the MRI and CT are in the same folder on the server.

    Now Tom Jones also had 4 CR's done in the past year. Those are also in the same folder in the data directory.

    Dr. Bob queries out to our server (using iQ-View) using the patient ID. He gets back that there are 6 studies done on Tom Jones (no filter on the query). He then marks the ones that he wants to retrieve. Let us say he wants the MRI. He marks ONLY the MRI. In return, he gets ALL the studies since Conquest is responding at a patient level instead of a study level. Since the folder on the server with Tom Jones's patient ID has all studies in it, he gets all studies.

    If he marks the 4 CR's, he gets ALL the studies 4 times, again, because all the studies are in the one folder and Conquest is repsonding to the request at the patient level instead of the study level.

    Both Conquest repsond like this. There is no where I can find that lets you set the level to respond at the study level. It seems to default to the patient level since it is sorted and kept under one folder, patient ID or patient level.

    However, if I use iQ-View to query a Siemens, Fuji, Cedeara, etc and ask for just one study, that is all I get. They are set to repsond at study level.

    I need that with Conquest. At a hospital of this size, there could be studies associated and in that patient folder from many years back. We have many instances of a doctor trying to retrieve just an US, but taking hours to get because Conquest sends EVERYTHING in the patient folder in chronological order, from the earliest date forward. Imagine if they are trying to retrieve the most current US and the prior US only. They mark both of them for retrieveal and get everything TWICE. 10's of thousands of images can be sent out just trying to get 4 images from 2 CR's.

    All the other PACs software I deal with let you send at the study level, but since the structure of the Conquest database is to put all studies for uniquely identifed patients in one folder, when queried, it will send the whole folder contents.

    That is why I need the ability to retrieve at the study level. It is not an error that I know of, it is how the Conquest is set up.

    I see no errors. Just that Conquest did send the items. iQ-VIew also shows no errors, just that it got all the data.


    We use iq-view and query by study level. when used with most pacs systems, it will then retrieve only the study queried for. when using conquest dicom, it will send by patient level. we need it to send as we query, either by patient level or study level. what happens now is if there are more studies with that patient, it will send all the studies instead of just the study we queryed and asked for. how can this by done?


    pat stacey

    is there a limit to the amount of contacts? everything has been going good with the 3 Conquest Servers until I started adding a lot of dicom contacts.

    It seems that once you get above 15, there are issues. I am constantly getting "xxx refused connection" where there have been no changes except to add another contact

    everyone is using iQ-VIEW. I made abosolutely no changes on either side and in the last few days, a lot of errors with connection refusals since I added about 5 more contacts.

    I know there is a way to wildcard the contacts, but I really did not understand how and where I do it.

    Below is the list for one of the servers and the next list is for the other server.

    PACSERVER 104 un
    SISTERSKPAC 1004 un
    PMSSERVER 104 un
    ADVANCED 4006 un
    RIGGIO 104 un
    DAVELHOME 104 un
    RIGGIO-TIA 4001 un
    CHESS-HOME 104 un
    NADEEM-HOME 104 un
    BMG-TIA 104 un
    LUDWIG-SUMMIT 104 un
    KALE-HOME 104 un
    TIRONE-TIA 104 un
    LUDWIG-NMM 104 un
    IQBALVHOME 104 un
    BMG-MRI 104 un
    BMG-KPACS 1004 un
    ALAM-HOME 104 un
    TIRONE-HOME 104 un
    AKHTAR-HOME 104 un
    KALE-TAMPA 104 un
    RIGGIO-MARCOS 104 un
    TIRONE-MARCOS 104 un

    PACSERVER 104 un
    TIASISTERS 104 un
    PMSSERVER 104 un
    ADVANCED 4001 un
    BMG-KPACS 1004 un
    RIGGIO 104 un
    DAVELHOME 104 un
    RIGGIO-TIA 4001 un
    CHESS-HOME 104 un
    NADEEM-HOME 104 un
    LUDWIG-SUMMIT 104 un
    SISTERSKPAC 1004 un
    KALE-HOME 104 un
    TIRONE-TIA 104 un
    LUDWIG-NMM 104 un
    IQBALVHOME 104 un
    BMG-MRI 104 un
    ALAM-HOME 104 un
    TIRONE-TIA 104 un
    TIRONE-HOME 104 un
    KALE-TAMPA 104 un
    RIGGIO-MARCOS 104 un
    TIRONE-MARCOS 104 un

    Everything started going haywire after adding the last 4 contacts.


    Pat Stacey

    Thank you again. I have setup the lastest version of Conquest on my system and I am transferring images from one of the other Conquest servers. When i get enough over, I will put in debug mode and try to crash again to give you the exact message.

    Hopefully I can get the Web side to work so I won't need to use another viewer.

    Thanks again.

    Pat Stacey

    Thank you both for your replies. You have made my concerns for the large database disappear. I will play with switching the database engine on my own so as not to take down the server.

    Your product is fantastic. While it does require more maintenance and lacks some of the big boys features, it sure is the best out there, hands down. I can't tell you how many small "mom and pop" clinics and such have fallen in love with your server software, especially since they can't get a PAC server without spending tons of money for not only the software, but hardware and maintenance. I just use two external 500 gig USB drives and Acronis software for backup. Never have to worry about losing data.

    The only way I can regenerate the memory error is to actually use the software. It always happens when trying to reinitialize the database, with new data so I am sure it is not corrupt data.

    I have to look more at the Web viewer. I am assuming it will not work with the earlier versions. I don't know alot about it, but since I have been in networking and computers since 1979 and running my own service company since 1988, I am sure I can either figure it out or get someone that will. The Web viewer would a fantastic thing since right now I use iQ-View for all viewing.

    How does the Web viewer work in conjunction with inputting known dicomm contacts??? Do I need to list everyone that is trying to use the Web viewer?? I won't know their IP address's and such. When using the Web viewer is that part not used?

    Again, absolutely fantastic product. Has solved a ton of problems for all the small to medium clinics I service now.

    Pat Stacey

    Thanks for the quick response.

    My concerns are two fold. As this database grows, how long it will take to query out records. Not too worried about local queries inside the building, they are on a gigabyte lan, very concerned on the remote queries and retrevials. The sending is on a Fiber Optics Line (20 up and down) and the retrevial is on a cable line (15 down, 2 up). Should be ok, just checking.

    Can it be switched to MySQL after being set up with the default DBASEIII ???

    Also, the pack database function, now that I know what it does, is helpful at two other locations. Thanks.

    Is creating an Archive Server as I descibed ok? Mulitple servers and just query both at the same time and retreive that way??

    Great product, but I have to use 1.412c ONLY. I have tried the later versions (up to 1.414) and they all crash the same way, memory error.

    Also, does only the later version have the ability to use a Web viewer?

    Pat Stacey

    I have recently installed Conquest at a small imaging center (have had on line for one week) and already there is over 30 Gigs of data, over 800 folders. Re-indexing takes a long time. Server is an Intel Xeon Quad Core, 8 Gigs ram, raid 5 (3 500 Gig SATA-II drives) and OS is Windows 2003 Server Standard R2 with NO server functions at all running.

    What exactly does "pack image database" do? Is there a manual available for this product?

    Does it run better and faster using built in SQL Database or is the built in DBase the best method. I need to make it quicker the more images that get loaded, especially when they start downloading past studies that they now have backed up on MO disks.

    Maybe create another Conquest Server and use it for older cases and call "Archive". Using iQ-View for query and retrieve and can always query and retrieve from both at the same time.


    Pat Stacey

    here is the log. the pacs software is Cedera.

    \rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil MS Sans Serif;}}
    {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green128\blue0;\red0\green0\blue128;\red255\green0\blue0;}
    \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs16 *******************************************************
    \par \cf2 1/29/2008 11:43:12 AM ThreadID[0] : C-Find request on STUDY level with PACSERVER initiated.
    \par \cf1 *******************************************************
    \par \cf3 [DICOM SCU] >> : Connected to:
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : Item Type: 2
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : Association Accept::ReadDynamic
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : Presentation Context Accept, Transfer Syntax: 1.2.840.10008.1.2
    \par \cf1 [0] >> : c-Find association with PACSERVER opened
    \par [0] >> : c-Find request processed
    \par [0] >> : STATUS: $0000
    \par *******************************************************
    \par \cf4 1/29/2008 11:43:13 AM ThreadID[0] : Closed.
    \par Task processed with errors
    \par \cf1 *******************************************************
    \par \cf0
    \par }


    also trying with a SEIMANS that is using "magicstore" now. my pacs (cedera) and viewer from them (ireach) can query. the pacs side can retrieve study by study, but i want to use k-pacs to retreive theirs, not the cedera software as i do not want to retrieve into my pacs, just using the query/move so off site rads can read.

    they use one port for query (50082) and a different one for retrieve (50090). can this be handled by k-pacs or iq-view?

    this is the error log i get with that one:

    {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil MS Sans Serif;}}
    {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green128\blue0;\red0\green0\blue128;\red255\green0\blue0;}
    \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs16 *******************************************************
    \par \cf2 1/29/2008 11:56:33 AM ThreadID[0] : C-Find request on STUDY level with 001SBMOT01DPQR initiated.
    \par \cf1 *******************************************************
    \par \cf3 [DICOM SCU] >> : Connected to:
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : Item Type: 3
    \par [DICOM SCU] >> : Association Rejected...
    \par \cf1 [0] >> : c-Find association with 001SBMOT01DPQR rejected
    \par *******************************************************
    \par \cf4 1/29/2008 11:56:33 AM ThreadID[0] : Closed.
    \par Task processed with errors
    \par \cf1 *******************************************************
    \par \cf0
    \par }

    i am aware of the verbose mode. when i do start it, a dos box shows up, but nothing happens in it.

    however, it did save the error to a log file.

    {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil MS Sans Serif;}}
    {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green128\blue0;\red255\green0\blue0;}
    \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs16 *******************************************************
    \par \cf2 1/28/2008 1:51:05 PM ThreadID[0] : C-Find request on STUDY level with PACSERVER initiated.
    \par \cf1 *******************************************************
    \par [0] >> : c-Find association with PACSERVER opened
    \par [0] >> : c-Find request processed
    \par [0] >> : c-Find association with PACSERVER closed
    \par *******************************************************
    \par \cf3 1/28/2008 1:51:05 PM ThreadID[0] : Closed.
    \par Task processed with errors
    \par \cf1 *******************************************************
    \par \cf0
    \par }
    this is what happens no matter what pacs server i go to.

    I have tried with the new K-pacs and IQ-view, but I can't retrieve images from a network connection. It connects, but then terminates.

    Why. I have tried with 4 different PACs

    i have a vpn connection to an off site (siemans) pac server archive. i can setup to send to them via the vpn (i have the aet, ip address, and port) and can dicom ping them.

    i want to be able to query their server and retrieve (cmove) images from there.

    can i do this with the new kpacs?

    absolutely fantastic program.