Posts by pmstacey

    Ok, I used ExportConverters and ForwardAssociationLevel = STUDY. I took out any delay. Conquest did receive it and stored it but after 10 minute wait, it did not send at all.

    Here is what I had in the dicom.ini

    ForwardAssociationLevel = STUDY

    ExportConverters = 1

    ExportConverter0 = forward study to RSAPACS

    Ah, I did not test without delay, only with. I will test without delay.

    Ok on clear database. Is the only way to delete the studies themselves from the "data" directory is manually? I would like it done automatically at a set time every morning, say 1:00 am up to 3:00 am.

    Let me test now

    I have used it fine with the ExportConverters. There it DOES work. Do does the delay. I just have to keep testing under a load to see which way I want to go. I love the multi-threading that ImportConverters uses (and I can see that happening as I can see the different channels assigned to incoming studies and I see it happening in the PACS). But, I can't have it do it at image level. I think I am going to have go with ExportConverters so I can do it at study level and delay it for 30 seconds like I need. I am just afraid that without multi-threading, once Conquest goes under a load (even though there are 4 instances running), it will be too slow to transfer out to PACS.

    I can't thank you enough for all your help.

    I guess the only thing left (other than wishing for multi-threading with ExportConverters! :roll:) is why I can't get the "clear image database" under the Maintenance page to do anything....:(

    I will keep an eye out for any update that will fix those bugs, especially the one to forward at study level with ImportConverters!

    attached is the dicom.ini (as txt file) and the log. I have it set now to NOT tell it the compression as I have Conquest already set to store anything from AET in "JS" compression, so I don't need it to change the compression when sending. I also have the "channel *" in there.

    I unblocked the "ForwardAssociationLevel = STUDY".

    Does Conquest read the FowardAssociationLevel = Study command BEFORE the ImportConverter0 command? Is that what is wrong, I have to move the ImportConverter0 command in the dicom.ini BEFORE the ForwardAssociationLevel = STUDY command?

    I can't seem to get "Clear image database" to do anything. If I click it, it just goes to "Clearing database" and then "[AET] Initializing Tables" but does nothing else and the data directory for that AET still has all the studies in it. I have to manually delete them and then regen a single device

    oh, it is difficult to read, alright. BUT, I have had outbound studies going out from the PACS go at image level (as an experiment) and it is way too much. We have about 600 studies a day going out to at least 3 destinations at once, using multi-threading directly from the PACS and it creates such a log jam. We had to go back to study level, but that is ok from the PACS, as it does multi-threading. It is the incoming we need to control. So, I HAVE to have it at the study level and I can't seem to make it work. It works great using ExportConverters, but using ImportConverters it seems to ignore the FowardAssociationLevel = STUDY (as you stated) and if I put in the ImportConverters using what I read in the manual as using the list provided for all importconvert "I" and exportconverter "E" commands as "ImportConverter0 = forward study to RSAPACS" it does not pay attention to it. I have the next ImportConverter command as "ImportConverter1 = forward compressed as JS to RSAPACS channel *". It seems to ignore the first command and do it at image level. Do I have to reverse them?

    yes, channel * is in there. I can see it forwarding (barely, it is so fast) image by image and not at study level. I tried with ForwardAssociationLevel = STUDY not blocked and then I blocked it and put in the

    ImportConverters: ImportConverter0 = forward study to RSAPACS

    I took out the "org %u" as for now I want them to go out with Conquest AET.

    The images go out over multiple channels (multi-thread) fine. I can see all the different channels and I can also see it coming in multiple threads on the incoming PACS.

    Again, it seems that as soon as Conquest receives the image from a study it turns around and sends it. It does wait until the entire study has been received and then send the study out using multi-threading.

    Where should the command to do at study level be? In the ImportConverters or the other way?

    Marcel, I tried taking the command out of the import converters for sending at study level and unblocked the other one (ForwardAssociationLevel = STUDY) and it still forwards at the image level. Is it not possible to forward

    at the STUDY level when using ImportConverters?

    It is ok to store. I don't keep the images anyway in Conquest. I see the move command is working, but it is not removing from MAG0. How do I get that to happen automatically. I would like all data in MAG0 deleted at 3:00 am every day, 7 days a week.

    also, forgot, need data coercion to be done BEFORE it forwards. If multi-threading (not using a delay), how exactly would that work since it sends right away?

    I got it working! attached is my dicom.ini. It received and sent with multi-threading. It sent as it came in. I want it to do it at study level though, so I added another line. Seems to be working great. I setup to not use anything with the export converters. Please check it and tell me if this is right. I see in incoming AET with multi-threading. I am not sure it is doing it at the study level though, I don't think so.

    All I need now is how to data coercion.


    • dicom.txt

      (1.74 kB, downloaded 305 times, last: )

    It is performing great with tremendous speed no matter how many I send at once (I have tried up to four, 2 CT, 1 DR, 1 US). This has a XEON CPU E-2670, which is eight cores. If we go to production with this, I will have 4 instances of Conquest running and each one will have many incoming at once. I could see where I may have 20 or more incoming spread across the 4 instances, including MG, MRI, CT, US, DR. I watch the performance and with the 32 gigs and SSD drive, it is extremely fast.

    It is the multi-threading I need. Not sure how to implement it. Along with the data coercion

    If I understand correctly, if my sending AET does 5 associations, then Conquest will send in 5? I don't see that on the incoming AET, I only see 1 at a time.

    I take it back, it did finally forward, but it took a long time. And, of course, it only does 1 at a time. Is there a way to make the forwarding start sooner? I believe it took 5 minutes to start.

    Also, reading manual carefully, I see under the options section for scripting, it says that "Channel" option (showing both how to specify a channel number or use the "*") is only available for Import convertors. Am I misreading this? No matter what I do, if I use the "channel *" option, it freezes. I tried a number also. Same thing.

    with non delayed, once the study is finished it will start right away? That might work. Have to put under a stress test to see.

    What about the data coercion questions please? No matter how much I read the manual, I can't find anything about data coercion or example of the commands. I am not familiar with "lua" at all. I am reading about it now but it will take me a lot of time to try to learn properly.

    Is there a way to add to dicom.ini file all the data coercion rules I will need? I will need a prefix rule, suffix rule, and institution name change rule.

    So, I just changed my commands exactly has you have in your last post. It starts to receive and then stops. I check the services, it has stopped. If I don't put "channel *" in there, it does receive fine with no crash or stopping of services, but it will not forward.

    BTW, do you have an example of how the script has to read for data coercion? I don't see anything in the manual about how to do it. For example, for an MRN, I need to add a prefix. One would be "AHI-". I know the dicom tag is 0010,0020, but how do I add the prefix to the MRN please. I have no idea what the commands are for Conquest to do that. I read the manual again, including the lua script information, but the actual command to add a prefix, add a suffix, and to change the institution name or refence to those dicom tags I could not find. I did a search in the document for "coercion" and nothing came up

    I missed you previous comments, sorry. After researching it more, I figured out why it was freezing. My fault. I forgot to change the receiving PACS incoming AET to reflect the test server IP address. So sorry. Using JS compression worked fine, as did sending several studies at once (CT, US, DR)

    So, down to final issue....Sending PACS seems to show that it is multi-threading incoming. Server status shows one at a time, but I believe that is because it has no way to show multi-threading. But outgoing PACS does show several connections at one time.

    I know earlier you said if we use Export Converters it only uses single thread. Since I need auto routing, there is no way to multi-thread with auto routing?

    Again, my apologies about not seeing that I did not setup the incoming PACS correctly.

    is that why it is freezing and the service stops? Also what about multi-threading on incoming studies please? Is there a way to do that or is it only 1 at a time it can process?