I found a process log is this what you are asking for. If not, Tell me where the communications log is?

    {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil MS Sans Serif;}}
    {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green128\blue0;\red255\green0\blue0;}
    \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\f0\fs16 [DATABASE MANAGER] >> POLINE, CHRISTOPHER, LE: study with UID 1.2.840.113619.2.182.2076797980.5188736.1165892281735.31772 deleted from database.
    \par *******************************************************
    \par \cf2 12/19/2006 11:23:15 AM ThreadID[9628] : worklist C-Find with HRMC_CCG initiated.
    \par \cf1 *******************************************************
    \par [9628] >> : c-Find association with HRMC_CCG opened
    \par [9628] >> : c-Find request processed
    \par [9628] >> : c-Find association with HRMC_CCG closed
    \par *******************************************************
    \par \cf2 12/19/2006 11:23:15 AM ThreadID[9628] : Closed.
    \par Task processed successfully
    \par \cf1 *******************************************************
    \par \cf0 [DATABASE MANAGER] >> Re-import modified file C:\\Program Files\\iQ-VIEW\\Converter\\Image0001.dcm into database.
    \par \cf1 *******************************************************
    \par \cf2 12/19/2006 11:25:36 AM ThreadID[912] : Sending images to GEPACS started
    \par \cf1 *******************************************************
    \par [912] >> : c-store request for file C:\\Program Files\\iQ-VIEW\\Server\\Database\\1.2.840.113619.2.182.2076797980.5188736.1165892281735.31772\\1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.1208.0001.755.490.112529140\\1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.1208.0001.4700.2713.112529203.dcm, single association mode.
    \par \cf3 [912] >> : Error: store failed for POLINE, CHRISTOPHER, LE, Study: MRI KNEE RT WO CM , File: 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.1208.0001.4700.2713.112529203.dcm
    \par \cf1 *******************************************************
    \par \cf3 12/19/2006 11:25:37 AM ThreadID[912] : Closed.
    \par Task processed with errors
    \par \cf1 *******************************************************
    \par \cf0
    \par }

    I really like the new features in IQview update. However, I can no longer scan in a film and send it directly to my GE Centricity PACS like before. Is there a change? I can send to a conquest...delete the patient in the IQVIEW imagebox,...then query it back and resend to GE PACS successfully. Strange eh?

    Will I have to revert back to previous version to scan? I need to do something we use it every day.

    Hello, I am trying to install a VIDAR Diagnostic PRO digitizer. After installing the drivers for USB from the install CD....I have found VIDAR TWAIN 5.2 drivers at vidar, and have installed them also. IQVIEW recognizes and initiates the scanner, but fails to transfer the image to the import application. I get the error "General failure in response to DAT_IMAGEMEMXFER, bad protocal error" I have tried to change the ini. to each different transfer modi, but it still does not work. Any ideas, or can you point out what I have done wrong? Thanks.

    Following my update to 9.5.2 I am getting an error when trying to read the discs I have burned. The error is in German. I reinstalled the 9.5.b and can successfully burn again. Any suggestions?
    Chad Moser

    Thanks for your quick reply...
    During installation, I actually just chose the update option instead of the complete install. It had been english on prior version. I will do a complete install and see what happens.

    As far as printing...will the professional version have the dicom print function I need for our AFGA's... is that available yet?
    Again thanks...

    Hello, I installed the new upgrade and love the speed and stability. I had to also install it on a WIN 2000 computer, but it installed in German.... Is there something I can do....I reinstalled the older version for now on that machine.

    Also, I am trying to print from KPACS with our AGFA Drystar 3000, but get format errors....I am able to ping the camera, but cannot get it to print. Is there something AGFA needs to do on thier end? What settings do you suggest otherwise...

    C Moser
    Huron SD USA

    have recently downloaded the latest version of KPACS and it has cured the problems I have been having on the Windows 2000 machines...however Win98 still has german headers,(custom text file is in english) and it actually does not seem to load images.....I get a black screen when going to viewer... is there anything I can do?