Hi Marcel,
Thank you very much for your support. This solved my problem too.
Best regards,
Hi Marcel,
Thank you very much for your support. This solved my problem too.
Best regards,
Let me explain my workflow.
Conquest is the archive server configured with multiple modalities and workstations.
But I don't have any web viewer for my ReferringPhysician. That's why I configured Weasis portable. I want to integrate Weasis with EMR using URL (WADO).
Please let me know if my answer explains the scenario?
Thanks and regards.
I am calling from Weasis (portable) right now.
I have configured Oviyam. URL is working fine with patient ID only. But not successful with Accession number. Oviyam is configured with Tomcat 7.
Thanks and regards.
Thank you for your response.
I have no knowledge on code writing. Need your help to modify weasis_starter.lua to allow Accession number.
I need help.
I have successfully deployed Conquest and Weasis 2.0.5 and WADO URL is working fine for Patient ID.
This opens the patient directory. When I click view, study opens in Weasis viewer.
My Question is how can I call against the Accession Number so I can open the the exact study.
Thank You.
I want to set the following rules on Export/Import convertors.
1. I want studies coming from modalities should be rejected if the corresponding modality has no entry in dicom providers list.
2. We have Patient IDs like AA32EE, CC3345. I want to configure a rule that any Patient ID whose first two characters starts from "AA" should be forwarded to SERVER1.
3. Those Studies who have no Accession number coming from Modalities should be rejected.
4. Accession number less than or more than specific characters should be rejected. For example Accession number less than "12345678" should be rejected (Eight characters). Same like Accession number more than "12345678" should be rejected (Eight characters).
Need help.
Best Regards;
I nee help for the below mentioned scenario.
I have centralized PACS1 and one remote PACS2.
I have applied the rule and its working fine.
ExportConverter0 = forward to PACS1 org %u;
But I am facing a problem,
One of CT Modality AE Tittle in PACS2 environment is TM_CT_CMW and same CT AE Title "TM_CT_CMW" is in PACS1 environment.
I want to Set rule that every data forwarded from PACS2 environment should send Original AE Title and should add variable like TM_CT_CMW_REMOTE or AE_TITLE_REMOTE
Waiting for response,
Best Regards.
We are facing problem to transfer patients records to Siemens CT. after successful connectivity we are not succeeded to transfer records.
The support persons from Siemens sen us the reason below mentioned.
I think I found the Problem.
Reason why the Worklist is not showing, is that the Study Instance UID is not filled.
As you can see in the log.
Er 2013-03-04 09:22:09 CSA_RTF 13 DICOM Error
found within Mwl/C_FIND Message in Attribute (0020,000D): DICOM Type 1 attribute is empty (7 occurrences).
Please ask the RIS provider to fill this Tag 0020,000D Study Instance UID.
In the merglog it is filled with "null"
0020,000D UI |<null>| ( 0)Study Instance UID
For the Worklist this is a Mandatory field (Type 1) The VR (Value Representation) for this field is "UI", please take care that the correct format is used.
We can provide StudyInstanceUID to dicomworklist table. Let me know the appropriate unique StudyInstance UID. We have multiple CT modalities and Modality work list is for all CT modalities. Currently MWL is serving well Toshiba CT modality and Kodak CR without specifying StudyInstance UID.
We have Conquest archive having 200K studies approximately. Now I want to move old studies of specific dates to another archive server. I need help to do it in night timings.
we have 97K of patients and and about 180k of studies.
I have successfully configured Conquest with Oracle 11g and migrated database (180,000) studies for mysql to Oracle successfully. All is working fine but facing one problem. when using interface window > Brows Database it response is very slow and hangs the application for few minutes.
I have set the settings
BrowseThroughDBF = 1
while using Brows Database tab the dbase file changes its size every time when I search for a patient but it takes long time. Is there any possibility to speed up the process.
I am facing a problem of query to pacs without date range or without specific date assignment. many radiologists are using efilm and just click on search without specifying date or patient ID. This cause a query to all database records. is there any way to reject this type of query from pacs.
Dear All,
I am working/reading Conquest database. Please let me know what is the function of qFlags and qSpare. How can I utilize these flags in Dicom worklist and other database tables.
Thanks & Regards;
Dear All,
I need help to solve issue that i am facing.
our storage will be full in near future and as our hospital policy is that we can not move or delete data currently. Please any one help me how to add secondary archive MAG1 so the new studies should be archived there and MAG0 should remain accessible for previous studies.
this is the error log,
UPACS THREAD 9: STARTED AT: Mon Apr 09 13:51:43 2012
4/9/2012 1:51:48 PM [MYPACS] Calling Application Title : "ECG "
4/9/2012 1:51:48 PM [MYPACS] Called Application Title : "MYPACS "
4/9/2012 1:51:48 PM [MYPACS] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 16352
4/9/2012 1:51:48 PM [MYPACS] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 0
4/9/2012 1:51:48 PM [MYPACS] Transfer Syntax 0 "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1" 1
4/9/2012 1:51:48 PM [MYPACS] *** Association rejected: you may need to add the listed presentation context as sop to dgatesop.lst
4/9/2012 1:51:48 PM [MYPACS] UPACS THREAD 9: ENDED AT: Mon Apr 09 13:51:48 2012
I am testing ECG dicom data with Conquest. I send ECG data from viewer and after facing problem i remove commentS from the following fields,
WFStorageTwelveLeadECG 1.2.840.10008. sop
WFStorageGeneralECG 1.2.840.10008. sop
WFStorageAmbulatoryECG 1.2.840.10008. sop
after this i succeeded receivign data from ECG viewer on Conquest.
But when I try to retrieve data from PACS i receive the following error.
*** Association rejected: you may need to add the listed presentation context as sop to dgatesop.lst
Need help and guidance to solve this.
i have noticed this and trying to figure out what is actually going wrong. Then i will let you know.
Yes ab-ab-ab is patient ID and is in modality work list database. ab-ab-ab is entered in ct machine to query the patient from pacs modality work list.
thanks for your responce.
I just google the same problem and i found the information please guide if this info make sence in my case.
"Most modalities either query for their own identifier (in your case "CT") or their own station name. "USA" will probably be ignored by your scanner.
Another issue (at least with SIEMENS Syngo) is, that (0008,0015) SpecificCharacterSet is missing. I know from our SIEMENS modalities that although they do not include this attribute in the c-find, they require it in the response."
Post reply on google
"Just a follow-up for everyone here: The Specific Character Set attribute was exactly the solution. "
if this make sence then what i have to do in my case.