Posts by kpumroy

    Hi Lambert,
    Thanks for responding. I think there may be two issues. The Philips scanner sends presentation files which are seen as a modality "PR" by the Conquest server. The Conquest server is giving the error message "incompatible modalities" as it is seeing MR and PR files for the same patient study. The study is succesfully sent and stored by the Conquest server but forwarding fails. I think there is also a problem with the eMed web server internet explorer viewer plug in and Philips DICOM files. I realize that is outside of this forum but wonder what is so different about the DICOM output from the Philips scanner. It is a brand new scanner with the latest software.
    I am currently out of town and will try to send you a file when I return. I recently upgraded to version 1.4.12.

    We recently have added a Philips Achieva MRI to our network. The DICOM output from the scanner does something to "choke" the Conquest server. It does the same to an eMed Web server we also use. Merge eMed says there is a known issue with the Philips scanners. Any solutions out there?