Posts by packal

    Hi can I find anywhere what format of out is supported?
    I need use dgate in commandline (query/retireve), but if i use
    dgate "--studyfinder:aet|patuid" of
    dgate "--seriesfinder:aet|patuid|studuid" i get only list of UIDs
    In manual is option fmt, what this means please?
    Thanks Milan

    Hi, I use dgate under root account, I try used authbind and no effect. In log on SERVER I have ***preretrieve/forward xxx to: remote DICOM error. I try ports 104, 11112 and another, run dgate under root and under conquest user, switch off iptables - always without effect.

    I have new Conquest DICOM server called SONOPACS(UBUNTU amd64 14.04, MySQL, Conquest 1.4.17d) with empty data and another SERVER (it work as a archive under Conquest 1.4.16 correctly), but transferring from another servers not work (same Conquest servers). IP adresses are OK, ports are OK, AETs are OK, firewalls are OK, but when I try send images from another SERVER to SONOPACS it not work. In logy on SERVER there are messages like ***preretrieve/forward xxx to: remote DICOM error ,but in logs on SONOPACS there are no messages. I try run on SONOPACS dgate under gdb to find some infos: when i try send images from SERVER to SONOPACS dgate on SONOPACS has no reaction and no messages on gdb. When i try find some pacients in SERVER query works, but if I try download it to SONOPACS gdb sends ***preretrieve/forward xxx to: remote DICOM error.
    I try use netstat -lpn, dgate id listening on port 11112 correctly. files are correct on both servers and ping and telnet works.

    We have Siemens Magnetom AVANTO and I have a problem with storage of MR spectroscopy. I found some info here, but without any effect.
    I have SIEMENSCSANONIMAGE sop and MRStorageSpectroscopy 1.2.840.10008. sop in my dgatesop.lst, but if I try to send spectroscopy series, scanner told me "No transferable object(s) found for PATIENT" and Conquest Archive do nothing.
    I look to log and use gdb, but I have no message on it.
    Do you have any idea to fix it?
    Thanx Milan

    UPACS THREAD 17: STARTED AT: Tue Jan 4 07:54:48 2011
    A-ASSOCIATE-RQ Packet Dump
    Calling Application Title : "ONIS1 "
    Called Application Title : "CT_PACS "
    Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 8192
    Number of Proposed Presentation Contexts: 1
    Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    Server Command := 0020
    Message ID := 000e
    (StudyRootQuery) search level: SERIES
    Query On Series
    Queried item 0002 0010 is not in the database
    Queried item 0020 1209 is not in the database
    Issue Query on Columns: DICOMSeries.SeriesDate, DICOMSeries.SeriesTime, DICOMSeries.Modality, DICOMSeries.SeriesDesc, DICOMSeries.SeriesInst, DICOMSeries.SeriesNumb, DICOMStudies.StudyInsta
    Values: DICOMStudies.StudyInsta = '' and DICOMSeries.StudyInsta = DICOMStudies.StudyInsta
    Tables: DICOMSeries, DICOMStudies
    Records = 9
    C-Find (StudyRoot) located 9 records
    UPACS THREAD 17: ENDED AT: Tue Jan 4 07:54:48 2011
    [Thread 0x7ffff5479710 (LWP 3005) exited]
    [New Thread 0x7ffff5479710 (LWP 3008)]

    UPACS THREAD 18: STARTED AT: Tue Jan 4 07:54:53 2011
    A-ASSOCIATE-RQ Packet Dump
    Calling Application Title : "ONIS1 "
    Called Application Title : "CT_PACS "
    Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 8192
    Number of Proposed Presentation Contexts: 2
    Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    Presentation Context 1 "1.2.840.10008." 0
    Server Command := 0021
    Message ID := 000f
    C-Move Destination: "ONIS1 "
    (QualifyOn) (mapped) IP:, PORT:11112
    MyPatientRootRetrieveGeneric :: SearchOn
    Query On Image
    Queried item 0002 0010 is not in the database
    Queried item 0020 1209 is not in the database
    Issue Query on Columns: DICOMImages.SOPClassUI, DICOMImages.SOPInstanc, DICOMSeries.SeriesDate, DICOMSeries.SeriesTime, DICOMSeries.Modality, DICOMSeries.SeriesDesc, DICOMSeries.SeriesInst, DICOMSeries.SeriesNumb, DICOMStudies.PatientID, DICOMStudies.StudyInsta,DICOMImages.ObjectFile,DICOMImages.DeviceName
    Values: DICOMSeries.SeriesInst = '' and DICOMStudies.PatientID = '45 52 18/004' and DICOMStudies.StudyInsta = '' and DICOMSeries.StudyInsta = DICOMStudies.StudyInsta and DICOMImages.SeriesInst = DICOMSeries.SeriesInst
    Tables: DICOMImages, DICOMSeries, DICOMStudies
    Records = 1
    Number of images to send: 1
    MyPatientRootRetrieveGeneric :: RetrieveOn
    [New Thread 0x7ffff5c7a710 (LWP 3011)]
    Locating file:MAG0 45_52_18_004/
    [Thread 0x7ffff5c7a710 (LWP 3011) exited]
    Sending file : /home/conquest/45_52_18_004/
    Image Loaded from Read Ahead Thread, returning TRUE

    Program received signal SIGPIPE, Broken pipe.
    [Switching to Thread 0x7ffff5479710 (LWP 3008)]
    0x00007ffff7bd160c in send () from /lib/

    In this time dgate didn't crash, but freeze and cannot find any patients and series and ONIS on other side of net hangs. I thing, that the bug is in ONIS. And You?
    Thanks Mark.

    and my dicom.ini
    MicroPACS = sscscp
    Edition = Personal

    # Network configuration: server name and TCP/IP port#
    MyACRNema = CT_PACS
    TCPPort = 11112

    # Reference to other files: known dicom servers; database layout; sops
    ACRNemaMap = /etc/conquest/
    kFactorFile = /etc/conquest/dicom.sql
    SOPClassList = /etc/conquest/dgatesop.lst

    # Host for postgres or mysql only, name, username and password for database
    SQLHost =
    SQLServer = conquest
    Username = conquest
    Password = 532114
    PostGres = 0
    MySQL = 1
    SQLite = 0

    UseEscapeStringConstants = 0
    DoubleBackSlashToDB = 1
    #IndexDBF = 1
    #PackDBF = 0
    #LongQueryDBF = 1000

    # Configure database
    TruncateFieldNames = 10
    MaxFieldLength = 254
    MaxFileNameLength = 255
    FixPhilips = 0
    FixKodak = 0
    UIDPrefix = 99999.99999
    EnableReadAheadThread = 1
    PatientQuerySortOrder =
    StudyQuerySortOrder =
    SeriesQuerySortOrder =
    ImageQuerySortOrder =
    EnableComputedFields = 0
    TCPIPTimeOut = 300
    FailHoldOff = 60
    RetryDelay = 100
    QueueSize = 128
    WorkListMode = 1
    WorkListReturnsISO_IR_100 = 1
    DebugLevel = 0
    Prefetcher = 0
    LRUSort =
    AllowTruncate =
    DecompressNon16BitsJpeg = 1
    UseBuiltInDecompressor = 1
    IgnoreOutOfMemoryErrors = 0
    PadAEWithZeros = 0
    FileNameSyntax = 3

    # Configuration of compression for incoming images and archival
    DroppedFileCompression = un
    IncomingCompression = un
    ArchiveCompression = un

    # Names of the database tables
    PatientTableName = DICOMPatients
    StudyTableName = DICOMStudies
    SeriesTableName = DICOMSeries
    ImageTableName = DICOMImages
    DMarkTableName = DICOMAccessUpdates
    RegisteredMOPDeviceTable = RegisteredMOPIDs

    # Banner and host for debug information
    PACSName = CT_PACS
    OperatorConsole =

    # Configuration of disk(s) to store images
    MAGDeviceThreshhold = 0
    MAGDevices = 1
    MAGDevice0 = /home/conquest/

    # Configuration of logging
    HomeDir = /usr/share/conquest
    StatusLog = /var/log/conquest/NMPACS.serverstatus.log
    TroubleLog = /var/log/conquest/NMPACS.PacsTrouble.log

    I used Conquest on Gentoo Linux server. I have problem with Patient Protocols from Siemens DEFINITION AS. I can send Protocol from CT to Conquest, but when I can download the series with Protocol to ONIS dgate crashed (segmentation fault). Any idea to sort this problem? Thanx