Posts by nedo

    Dear Marcel,

    Thank you very much for that! You have no idea how practical this is for us.
    I'd be very happy to provide you with some advanced javascript like a slider for example, but I usually use jquery for that and I believe that there's no use of including large custom js libraries in your program for the sake of sanity.

    The button works great. It would be even better if you could also add a previous button (or in order to save space < and >). You know how it works. You press next 30 times, then you see something and you're 2 frames ahead. you need to go back in the same manner, not by entering the number.

    Tomorrow I have a long flight, and have to get some sleep, but If you'll be in need I can make some fancy js for disabling the controls if there are no frames ahead or back.

    Again. Thank you.

    Hello guys,

    First off this is my first post so I'm sorry if I'd show off as noob or something, but I need some help and witnessed many acts of pure altruism on this forum;)

    I'm trying to set up a simple solution in an cardiologic angiography lab somewhere distant in the country and want to allow my users to consult coronarography movies from home. I've successfuly compiled conquest 1.4.16 beta on an Ubuntu Server 10.6 with 2.6.32 kernel (64-bit). Even cgi/bin dgate works. (it's worth noting that in your linux manual you should note to do do all make and make install with sudo, otherwise you'll get some syntax errors).

    I want my users to get the movies in three ways a) via Osirix on their macbooks b) via Osirix on their iPhones, c) via web browser (if it is possible)

    Currently I'm working on some kind of VPN solution, but it's tricky because of some provider issues. And here come my two questions

    1. Since the data we use composes of frames and are movies i'd like to view the frames on the web browser in some kind of consecutive way. When I use
    I can only input frame number and click load (or press enter). Since a movie consists of about 30-100 frames it would be wonderful to put this in some kind of a loop, or have a button to advance to next frame. do you think this is possible?

    2. I've been trying to set up in some kind of promiscuous way.
    I'd like to be able for my users to get to the server via remote addresses by port forwarding (for example on their iphones via 3G). I've been trying to put * as the ip address but it never worked to retrieve the images to osirix until i placed a fixed ip address. Do you know of a way to set up a trusted location basing only on its' AEtitle?

    I know it is not safe but I'm just asking that for informational purposes.
    Anyways - the server is a charm, I've been using dcm4che before and find this one really easy to wrap & up.

    Thanks in advance for your help

    I have two questions