Posts by MikeBailey

    Hi Marcel & All,

    We have moved our data to a new SAN & MS SQL 2019 ~ 10800 patients.

    I did a test regen and it was about as long as i expected - roughly 2 days.

    We then copied the rest of the data to the new SAN (only an additional 2 weeks of data) however this regen is much slower - only 300 patients in after 8 hours???

    Any ideas on what could cause this??

    Kind regards,


    Michael Bailey, MSc, MBAAdv (HealthMgmt), QMPS

    Senior Radiation Oncology Medical Physics Specialist

    Illawarra Cancer Care Centre


    Hi Marcel,
    When I try to export from Pinnacle to CONQUEST.
    It usually fails on one of the RT Dose components.
    These plans always have multiple prescriptions hence RT DOSE elements.
    Kind Regards,

    Hi Marcel,
    Here is my dicom.ini - I have the ActiveFormProj1.ocx in the directory above the webserver.
    # This file contains configuration information for the conquest cgi web server;
    # it must be in the same directory as the dgate.exe in the web server script directory.
    # For wamp: dgate.exe runs if it is put in C:\wamp\Apache2\cgi-bin
    # The server home page is then ""
    # The cgi interface has been tested with wamp5, dgate4.12d, and ie6sp1
    # modified 20070213: default to n4, note about ocx only required on client
    # modified 20080902: webreadonly ON; graphics and viewer configs; sample scripted web pages
    # modified 20101121: Added wadoservers section
    # configured for ICCC application RO_PACS by MJB 20111103

    MicroPACS = sscscp

    # database layout (copy dicom.sql to the web server script directory or point to the one in your dicom server directory)

    kFactorFile = c:\dicomserver\dicom.sql
    TruncateFieldNames = 10

    # default IP address and port of DICOM server (may be non-local, web pages empty if wrong)
    # use version 1.4.14 up, if an older version some feautues will not work

    WebServerFor =
    TCPPort = 5678

    # path to script engine: ocx will not download images if wrong - shows as black square with controls
    # for wamp: dgate.exe runs if it is put in C:\wamp\Apache2\cgi-bin

    WebScriptAddress =

    # web or local location of ActiveFormProj1.ocx for download (include trailing / or \)
    # the activeX control will not download if wrong or security too high - shows as white square with red x
    # note: it only needs to be registered by the client, not the server!
    # for wamp: the ocx canNOT be in C:\wamp\Apache2\cgi-bin, I put it in c:\wamp\www (above cgi-bin)
    # - the default value is derived from WebScriptAddress

    WebCodeBase =

    # if set to 1, the web user cannot edit databases and (in future) other things

    WebReadonly = 1

    # this is an optional virtual directory used to http: all images from mag0
    # this entry is experimental and unused except for viewer=seriesviewer2
    # in this mode (only) ocx will not download images if wrong - shows as black square with
    # controls - the default value is derived from WebScriptAddress

    #WebMAG0Address =

    # excerpt from C:\wamp\Apache2\conf\httpd.conf required for WebMAG0Address (un-# there)
    # or use the wamp traybar menu to create the alias

    #Alias /mag0/ "c:/dicomserver/data/"
    #<Directory "c:/dicomserver/data">
    # Options Indexes MultiViews
    # AllowOverride None
    # Order allow,deny
    # Allow from all

    # these settings control size of slice and series viewers, max size of transmitted dicom images
    # (0=original), compression for images sent to the activex (may be un,n1..4,j1,j2), the size of
    # the icons in the image list, the image type used for icons and slice display, and the dgate
    # mode containing the viewer (may be seriesviewer, seriesviewer2, noviewer, serversideviewer,
    # or aiviewer - java code of the latter not included with 1.4.14).
    # note: all items require at least one space left and right of the '=' !

    size = 560
    dsize = 0
    compress = un
    iconsize = 48
    graphic = gif
    viewer = seriesviewer
    #source = imagejaviewer.cq

    # enter address (up to not including the ?) of the WADO server for each DICOM AE listed
    # the sample (for AE TESTWADOSRV) comes from the DICOM standard and is not valid
    # the default is the local conquest server (which could use virtualservers as WADO bridge)


    # this creates web page http://xxxxx/cgi-bin/dgate.exe?mode=sample

    source = sample.cq
    variable = sample 1

    # this creates web page http://xxxxx/cgi-bin/dgate.exe?mode=sample2
    # Note: in the header parameter newline is written as \

    variable = sample 2
    line0 = <HEAD><TITLE>Conquest DICOM server - %variable%</TITLE></HEAD>
    line1 = <BODY BGCOLOR='CFDFCF'>
    line2 = <H2>Conquest DICOM server - %variable%</H2>
    line3 = </BODY>
    header= Content-type: text/html\Cache-Control: no-cache\

    Hi Marcel,
    see below:
    11/3/2011 10:44:37 AM [CONQUESTSRV] db extract for GUI of patient: EPSMSummerSchool11
    11/3/2011 10:44:43 AM [CONQUESTSRV]
    11/3/2011 10:44:43 AM [CONQUESTSRV] UPACS THREAD 122: STARTED AT: Thu Nov 03 10:44:43 2011
    11/3/2011 10:44:43 AM [CONQUESTSRV] A-ASSOCIATE-RQ Packet Dump
    11/3/2011 10:44:43 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Calling Application Title : "DICOMAN_MOVESCU "
    11/3/2011 10:44:43 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Called Application Title : "CONQUESTSVR "
    11/3/2011 10:44:43 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 16384
    11/3/2011 10:44:43 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Number of Proposed Presentation Contexts: 1
    11/3/2011 10:44:43 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    11/3/2011 10:44:43 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Server Command := 0020
    11/3/2011 10:44:43 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Message ID := 0001
    11/3/2011 10:44:43 AM [CONQUESTSRV] (PatientRootQuery) search level: STUDY
    11/3/2011 10:44:43 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Query On Study
    11/3/2011 10:44:43 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Issue Query on Columns: DICOMStudies.StudyDate, DICOMStudies.StudyTime, DICOMStudies.AccessionN, DICOMStudies.StudyDescr, DICOMStudies.PatientNam, DICOMStudies.PatientID, DICOMStudies.StudyInsta, DICOMStudies.StudyID
    11/3/2011 10:44:43 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Values: DICOMStudies.PatientNam LIKE 'EPSM%'
    11/3/2011 10:44:43 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Tables: DICOMStudies
    11/3/2011 10:44:43 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Sorting (DICOMStudies.PatientNam) DoSort := 1
    11/3/2011 10:44:43 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Records = 2
    11/3/2011 10:44:43 AM [CONQUESTSRV] C-Find (PatientRoot) located 2 records
    11/3/2011 10:44:44 AM [CONQUESTSRV] UPACS THREAD 122: ENDED AT: Thu Nov 03 10:44:44 2011
    11/3/2011 10:44:54 AM [CONQUESTSRV]
    11/3/2011 10:44:54 AM [CONQUESTSRV] UPACS THREAD 123: STARTED AT: Thu Nov 03 10:44:54 2011
    11/3/2011 10:44:54 AM [CONQUESTSRV] A-ASSOCIATE-RQ Packet Dump
    11/3/2011 10:44:54 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Calling Application Title : "DICOMAN_MOVESCU "
    11/3/2011 10:44:54 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Called Application Title : "CONQUESTSVR "
    11/3/2011 10:44:54 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 16384
    11/3/2011 10:44:54 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Number of Proposed Presentation Contexts: 1
    11/3/2011 10:44:55 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    11/3/2011 10:44:55 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Server Command := 0020
    11/3/2011 10:44:55 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Message ID := 0001
    11/3/2011 10:44:55 AM [CONQUESTSRV] (StudyRootQuery) search level: SERIES
    11/3/2011 10:44:55 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Query On Series
    11/3/2011 10:44:55 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Queried item 0008 0008 is not in the database
    11/3/2011 10:44:55 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Issue Query on Columns: DICOMSeries.SeriesDate, DICOMSeries.Modality, DICOMSeries.SeriesDesc, DICOMSeries.ModelName, DICOMSeries.SeriesInst, DICOMSeries.SeriesNumb, DICOMStudies.PatientNam, DICOMStudies.PatientID, DICOMStudies.StudyInsta
    11/3/2011 10:44:55 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Values: DICOMStudies.PatientID = 'EPSMSummerSchool11' and DICOMStudies.StudyInsta = '1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.135.734217.55409576.7.1312855688.260.9' and DICOMSeries.StudyInsta = DICOMStudies.StudyInsta
    11/3/2011 10:44:55 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Tables: DICOMSeries, DICOMStudies
    11/3/2011 10:44:55 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Records = 5
    11/3/2011 10:44:55 AM [CONQUESTSRV] C-Find (StudyRoot) located 5 records
    11/3/2011 10:44:55 AM [CONQUESTSRV] UPACS THREAD 123: ENDED AT: Thu Nov 03 10:44:55 2011
    11/3/2011 10:45:01 AM [CONQUESTSRV]
    11/3/2011 10:45:01 AM [CONQUESTSRV] UPACS THREAD 124: STARTED AT: Thu Nov 03 10:45:01 2011
    11/3/2011 10:45:01 AM [CONQUESTSRV] A-ASSOCIATE-RQ Packet Dump
    11/3/2011 10:45:01 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Calling Application Title : "DICOMAN_MOVESCU "
    11/3/2011 10:45:01 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Called Application Title : "CONQUESTSVR "
    11/3/2011 10:45:01 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 16384
    11/3/2011 10:45:01 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Number of Proposed Presentation Contexts: 2
    11/3/2011 10:45:01 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    11/3/2011 10:45:01 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Presentation Context 1 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    11/3/2011 10:45:01 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Server Command := 0021
    11/3/2011 10:45:01 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Message ID := 0001
    11/3/2011 10:45:01 AM [CONQUESTSRV] C-Move Destination: "DICOMAN_MOVESCU "
    11/3/2011 10:45:01 AM [CONQUESTSRV] (QualifyOn) (mapped) IP:, PORT:114
    11/3/2011 10:45:01 AM [CONQUESTSRV] MyPatientRootRetrieveGeneric :: SearchOn
    11/3/2011 10:45:01 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Query On Image
    11/3/2011 10:45:01 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Issue Query on Columns: DICOMImages.SOPClassUI, DICOMImages.SOPInstanc, DICOMSeries.SeriesInst, DICOMStudies.StudyDate, DICOMStudies.StudyTime, DICOMStudies.StudyInsta, DICOMStudies.StudyID,DICOMImages.ObjectFile,DICOMImages.DeviceName
    11/3/2011 10:45:01 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Values: DICOMStudies.StudyDate = '20090116' and DICOMStudies.StudyTime = '1024.1' and DICOMStudies.StudyInsta = '1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.135.734217.55409576.7.1312855688.260.9' and DICOMStudies.StudyID = '1' and DICOMSeries.StudyInsta = DICOMStudies.StudyInsta and DICOMImages.SeriesInst = DICOMSeries.SeriesInst
    11/3/2011 10:45:02 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Tables: DICOMImages, DICOMSeries, DICOMStudies
    11/3/2011 10:45:02 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Records = 0
    11/3/2011 10:45:02 AM [CONQUESTSRV] Retrieve: move search failed
    11/3/2011 10:45:02 AM [CONQUESTSRV] C-Move (PatientRoot)
    11/3/2011 10:45:02 AM [CONQUESTSRV] UPACS THREAD 124: ENDED AT: Thu Nov 03 10:45:01 2011
    11/3/2011 10:45:07 AM -----------------------------------------------------


    Thanks Marcel,
    Setup the webserver as a site in IIS server 2008 as per the instructions.
    Our awesome IT guy Ken came up with the follwoing before I could forward on your suggested site so it may be useful for others.
    For security reasons every CGI has to be registered in the ISAPI/CGI Restriction list.
    To do that you have to open INETMGR, click the machine node (name of your machine) and find the ISAPI/CGI Restriction List menu icon.

    Select the item and add the following entries in the dialog box:
    ISAPI or CGI path:
    Check the Allow extension path to execute box

    The next step is to create a virtual directory that allows CGIs to execute.
    Right click the "Default Web Site" in INETMGR and select "Add Virtual Directory".
    Add the following entries:
    Alias: cgi
    Physical path: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\cgi
    then click OK

    One last step: we still don't allow "Execute" access in this directory.
    For this you have to go to the Handler Mappings menu of the CGI virtual directory (make sure you select the CGI virtual directory on the left hand side!).

    Go to the "Edit Feature Permissions" link in the Actions Menu on the right hand side, open it and check "Read", "Script" & "Execute" and click "OK".

    Should work fine now

    Hi all,
    I am using DICOMan developed by Yulong Yan @ UAMS to query & retrieve from conquest.
    I can sucessfully query & retrieve individual series from a study but cannot retrieve the study as a whole?
    In DICOMan i get the following debug info:
    Request Parameters:
    Our Implementation Class UID:
    Our Implementation Version Name: DICOMAN 1.5
    Their Implementation Class UID:
    Their Implementation Version Name:
    Application Context Name: 1.2.840.10008.
    Calling Application Name: DICOMAN_MOVESCU
    Called Application Name: CONQUESTSVR
    Responding Application Name: resp AP Title
    Our Max PDU Receive Size: 16384
    Their Max PDU Receive Size: 0
    Presentation Contexts:
    Context ID: 1 (Proposed)
    Abstract Syntax: =FINDPatientRootQueryRetrieveInformationModel
    Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
    Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
    Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
    Context ID: 3 (Proposed)
    Abstract Syntax: =MOVEPatientRootQueryRetrieveInformationModel
    Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
    Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
    Proposed Transfer Syntax(es):
    Requested Extended Negotiation: none
    Accepted Extended Negotiation: none
    Requesting Association
    Association Parameters Negotiated:
    Our Implementation Class UID:
    Our Implementation Version Name: DICOMAN 1.5
    Their Implementation Class UID: 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.135.1066.101
    Their Implementation Version Name: 1.4.16/WIN32
    Application Context Name: 1.2.840.10008.
    Calling Application Name: DICOMAN_MOVESCU
    Called Application Name: CONQUESTSVR
    Responding Application Name: CONQUESTSVR
    Our Max PDU Receive Size: 16384
    Their Max PDU Receive Size: 16384
    Presentation Contexts:
    Context ID: 1 (Accepted)
    Abstract Syntax: =FINDPatientRootQueryRetrieveInformationModel
    Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
    Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
    Accepted Transfer Syntax: =LittleEndianImplicit
    Context ID: 3 (Accepted)
    Abstract Syntax: =MOVEPatientRootQueryRetrieveInformationModel
    Proposed SCP/SCU Role: Default
    Accepted SCP/SCU Role: Default
    Accepted Transfer Syntax: =LittleEndianImplicit
    Requested Extended Negotiation: none
    Accepted Extended Negotiation: none
    Association Accepted (Max Send PDV: 16372)
    Sending query
    Move SCU RQ: MsgID 1

    # Dicom-Data-Set
    # Used TransferSyntax: UnknownTransferSyntax
    (0008,0020) DA [20111006] # 8, 1 StudyDate
    (0008,0030) TM [1411.4] # 6, 1 StudyTime
    (0008,0052) CS [STUDY] # 6, 1 QueryRetrieveLevel
    (0020,000d) UI [] # 56, 1 StudyInstanceUID
    (0020,0010) SH [1] # 2, 1 StudyID
    C-Move RSP: MsgID: 1 [Status=Failed: UnableToProcess]
    AffectedSOPClassUID: =MOVEPatientRootQueryRetrieveInformationModel
    Data Set: Not Present
    NumberOfRemainingSubOperations: 0
    NumberOfCompletedSubOperations: 0
    NumberOfFailedSubOperations: 0
    NumberOfWarningSubOperations: 0
    Releasing Association

    On the conquest side I get:
    [CONQUESTSRV] UPACS THREAD 8: STARTED AT: Wed Nov 02 16:29:41 2011
    [CONQUESTSRV] Calling Application Title : "DICOMAN_MOVESCU "
    [CONQUESTSRV] Called Application Title : "CONQUESTSVR "
    [CONQUESTSRV] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 16384
    [CONQUESTSRV] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    [CONQUESTSRV] Presentation Context 1 "1.2.840.10008." 1
    [CONQUESTSRV] C-Move Destination: "DICOMAN_MOVESCU "
    [CONQUESTSRV] C-Move (PatientRoot)
    [CONQUESTSRV] UPACS THREAD 8: ENDED AT: Wed Nov 02 16:29:41 2011

    Please help!!!

    Hi All,
    I have Conquest 1.4.16 with the 1.4.16e patch applied running on Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise with a Microsft SQL Server 2008 database - images stored on a SAN.
    IWhen I install the conquest server as an NT Service - conquest will display patient names & IDs only in the browse database view.
    When the service is uninstalled all works well.
    Any ideas or help?