Posts by djmunkeyboy


    Our hospital recently moved onto IQ Viewer. Our radiology dept burns the images onto cd's and then sends them to us. My problem is that it takes ages to load the IQ Viewer from the CD, and I have to close it and open the program again for the next radiograph. As the ward dr analyses the xrays, this can take quite a while to accomplish as I have to run between the patients bed and the ward computer. In addition, if I try to leave IQ Viewer open and then open the next image, the program either stalls or doesnt load the images properly.

    Is there any way that I can install a stand alone IQ Viewer program onto the desktops in each ward, so that I can leave IQ viewer open and then import each image in from a cd? This will streamline our review of images a bit. Unfortunately, networking the desktop to radiology is not an option. Our IT support is pathetic at best and usually take 2-3 days to respond. (It took me 1.5 weeks to get a keyboard changed ...)

    Kind Regards
