Posts by Andre25

    Probably I've just resolved the problem.
    Creating DICOMDIR failed if image size has odd number of pixels. In dcm files - number of rows and columns.
    E.g. 101x101 pixel
    No problem was observed if image size was: 100x101, 101x100 or 100x100 pixels (rows/columns).
    If anybody could check and give an information

    Quote from AndreasKnopke

    Could you send me some examples of images that are writte onto the CD but do not appear in the DICOMDIR?

    Did K-PACS tell you that there is a missmatch between CD content and DICOMDIR content?


    I recognize this problem opening CD Project in K-PACS (not Lite) in filesytem. K-PACS ask me if I want to use DICOMDIR to open studies. If I say NO directory is searching and all images are visible. If I use DICOMDIR - not.
    At this particulary study is one problematic file (I'm sendig you in a moment).
    When I create CD Project with this onle file, DICOMDIR is not created. So K-PACS-Lite searching directory and image is visible.
    Thanks for your help!

    I've got problems with proper creating DICOMDIR file, when creating CD Project/Burn CD. All images are writing on CD, but not all are visible in K-Pacs_lite. As i've seen in DICOMDIR file not all images are written.
    This problem is in v.1.0.1 and IQ-View 2.1.0
    Of course I can delete this file before burning CD and afterthat all images are visible on cd viewer. But......