Posts by ajgg

    I guess i spoke to early,

    some observations of conquest 1.4.16alpha3

    the show headers option in GUI shows a blank page with jpeg2k compressed images .

    view incoming images in GUI not functioning

    servers send uncompresses images despite jk setting
    between servers. receiving server will do jk compression.

    but no major crash during constant transfers



    Yes the alpha 3 has solved the memory leak problems.
    Headers, image preview and Kpacs on browser of the GUI are in working conditions.
    Only minor bug found jpeg2k lossless GUI selection is not reflected on menu. Saved dicom.ini correct

    DroppedFileCompression = jk
    IncomingCompression = jk
    ArchiveCompression = as

    After closing and reopening GUI
    the jpeg loseless selection does not appear. Bug only affects jpeg2000 lossless This is reproducible

    No other encountered problem.

    Great work.



    I've downloaded the update and KPACS viewer is working great.

    Observed that both dgate64 1.4.16afpha and the its updated version seems to gradually take up memory resources.
    Using XP 64 and after 1 day the used virtual memory has reached 17G and physical memory of 4G. Cleared it with service restart. The setup I have uses mysql. Will observe another 2 days to see if it persists. Setting was Jpeg2000 enabled but uncompressed. Then will try to disable jped2000 and check if problem remains. Will try different combinations and check for the problem.

    Have 3 exportconverters in the setup but did not observed the problem with previous version 14.15

    Thanks, great software.
