Posts by ajgg


    I need to compress CR images down to 500k from 38 MB.
    This can be done with dcmcjpeg using parameter dcmcjpeg -v +eb +g +q 45
    need way to place configure converter "process with " command

    I tried 14.16i not using external compressor with dcmcjpeg setting gui config to lossyjpeg but getting 12 bit error warning of compressed files.
    dicom.ini parameters are

    DecompressNon16BitsJpeg = 1
    UseBuiltInJPEG = 0
    LossyQuality = 45

    # Configuration of compression for incoming images and archival
    DroppedFileCompression = j6
    IncomingCompression = j6
    ArchiveCompression = as

    With this i get maximum compression of 8MB.

    using dcmcjpeg -v +eb +g +q 45 file size 480Kb
    dicom header 0008,2112 Lossy compression with JPEG baseline, IJG quality factor 45, compression ratio 60.396

    using dcmcjpeg under conquest external compression setting file size 8MB
    dicom header 0008,2112 Lossy compression with JPEG full progression 12 bit, IJG quality factor 90, compression ratio 3.2504 This despite LossyQuality = 45? also getting warning with format on import with kpacs

    thanks for any help


    Confirmed that the problem affects K-pacs and IQ-view. It does not affect efilm and Siemens workstation. It appears when jpeg2000 is enabled but does not appear when using 1.4.15 (previous) compression. Saving back to uncompresssed and disabling the jpeg2000 selection does not undo the problem when the images has been passed through jpeg2000. Again it is unique to the k-pacs view and IQ-view. I will check with osirix.



    Ive identified the problem

    if the jpeg 2000 compression is used and UseKpacsDecompression is set to 1, Kpacs viewer will show blank because it may not have support for jpeg 2000
    if set to UseKpacsDecompression = 0; then image is viewed properly. Its the kpacs viewer. Maybe selecting jpeg2000 should also set UseKpacsDecompression = 0
    unless an update of the kpacs code is done.



    I observed that when I tried updating the files from jpeg 1 to jped 2000 to reduce file size in a new server. I was using kpacs to view results for verification. I will check with our Siemens CT viewer. The files are sent from a siemens scanner. I will check with the philip CT unit. I will get an uncompressed file from both scanners , and send you a copy . In our institution files from modalities are sent uncompressed. All compression is done by the pacs server.



    this is are the log of receiving 1.4.16h server

    with jpeg2000 support on ( receiving a CT protocol file)

    [MRPACS2] Connected by address: 0100007f[MRPACS2] Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'[MRPACS2] [MRPACS2] UPACS THREAD 16: STARTED AT: Fri Nov 18 06:35:29 2011[MRPACS2] A-ASSOCIATE-RQ Packet Dump[MRPACS2] Calling Application Title : "LOCAL "[MRPACS2] Called Application Title : "MRPACS2 "[MRPACS2] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 16384[MRPACS2] Number of Proposed Presentation Contexts: 1[MRPACS2] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1[MRPACS2] Server Command := 0001[MRPACS2] Message ID := 0607[MRPACS2] Move Originator Message ID := 0005[MRPACS2] Move Originator AE := LOCAL [MRPACS2] 0000,0002 26 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008." [MRPACS2] 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 1 [MRPACS2] 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1543 [MRPACS2] 0000,0700 2 US Priority 0 [MRPACS2] 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 258 [MRPACS2] 0000,1000 56 UI AffectedSOPInstanceU "" [MRPACS2] 0000,1030 6 AE MoveOriginatorApplic "LOCAL " [MRPACS2] 0000,1031 2 US MoveOriginatorMessag 5 [MRPACS2] 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2" [MRPACS2] Query Tables: DICOMImages[MRPACS2] Columns : ObjectFile, DeviceName[MRPACS2] Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND ImagePat = '8710006'[MRPACS2] Order : (null)[MRPACS2] Query Tables: DICOMImages[MRPACS2] Columns : SOPInstanc,SOPClassUI,ImageNumbe,ImageDate,ImageTime,EchoNumber,NumberOfFr,AcqDate,AcqTime,ReceivingC,AcqNumber,SliceLocat,SamplesPer,PhotoMetri,Rows,Colums,BitsStored,ImageType,ImageID,ImagePat,SeriesInst[MRPACS2] Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND ImagePat = '8710006'[MRPACS2] Order : (null)[MRPACS2] Update Table: DICOMImages[MRPACS2] Updates : SOPInstanc = '', SOPClassUI = '1.2.840.10008.', ImageNumbe = '0', ImageDate = '20060408', ImageTime = '142201.281000', SamplesPer = '1', PhotoMetri = 'MONOCHROME2', Rows = '512', Colums = '512', BitsStored = '12', ImageType = 'DERIVED\SECONDARY\OTHER\CT_SOM5 PROT', ImagePat = '8710006', SeriesInst = '', AccessTime = 1321569312, ObjectFile = '8710006\', DeviceName = 'MAG0'[MRPACS2] Where : SOPInstanc = '' AND ImagePat = '8710006'[MRPACS2] Query Tables: DICOMSeries[MRPACS2] Columns : SeriesInst,SeriesNumb,SeriesDate,SeriesTime,SeriesDesc,Modality,PatientPos,ContrastBo,Manufactur,ModelName,BodyPartEx,ProtocolNa,StationNam,Institutio,FrameOfRef,SeriesPat,StudyInsta[MRPACS2] Where : SeriesInst = '' AND SeriesPat = '8710006'[MRPACS2] Order : (null)[MRPACS2] Update Table: DICOMSeries[MRPACS2] Updates : SeriesInst = '', SeriesNumb = '501', SeriesDate = '20060408', SeriesTime = '142201.234000', SeriesDesc = 'Patient Protocol', Modality = 'CT', Manufactur = 'SIEMENS', ModelName = 'Sensation Cardiac 64', Institutio = 'DAVAO DOCTORS HOSPITAL', SeriesPat = '8710006', StudyInsta = '', AccessTime = 1321569312[MRPACS2] Where : SeriesInst = '' AND SeriesPat = '8710006'[MRPACS2] Query Tables: DICOMStudies[MRPACS2] Columns : StudyInsta,StudyDate,StudyTime,StudyID,StudyDescr,AccessionN,ReferPhysi,PatientsAg,PatientsWe,StudyModal,PatientNam,PatientBir,PatientSex,PatientID[MRPACS2] Where : StudyInsta = ''[MRPACS2] Order : (null)[MRPACS2] Update Table: DICOMStudies[MRPACS2] Updates : StudyInsta = '', StudyDate = '20060408', StudyTime = '134933.609000', StudyID = '1', StudyDescr = 'Cardiac^1CoronaryCTA_DDH (Adult)', AccessionN = 'CS#2550976', ReferPhysi = 'Dr. Batalla', PatientsAg = '079Y', StudyModal = 'CT', PatientNam = 'LA.', PatientBir = '19260917', PatientSex = 'M', PatientID = '8710006', AccessTime = 1321569312[MRPACS2] Where : StudyInsta = ''[MRPACS2] Query Tables: DICOMPatients[MRPACS2] Columns : PatientID,PatientNam,PatientBir,PatientSex[MRPACS2] Where : PatientID = '8710006'[MRPACS2] Order : (null)[MRPACS2] Update Table: DICOMPatients[MRPACS2] Updates : PatientID = '8710006', PatientNam = 'LA.', PatientBir = '19260917', PatientSex = 'M', AccessTime = 1321569312[MRPACS2] Where : PatientID = '8710006'[MRPACS2] Rewritten file: E:\pacs_servers\dicomserver1416\data\8710006\[MRPACS2] UPACS THREAD 16: ENDED AT: Fri Nov 18 06:35:30 2011[MRPACS2] UPACS THREAD 16: TOTAL RUNNING TIME: 1 SECONDS

    with jpeg2000 support off ( receiving CT protocol file)



    Sorry for the delay in my replay. It was past 12 midnight.

    Correction: tried a different file and there was no change in size of the uncompressed image. No bloating occurred wioth 1.4.16h. But the corruption remains. The data is lost and replaced by a blank page.

    The error appears when Enable JPEG(2000) support is checked regardless of weather uncompressed or compression is used. When this is unchecked (Enable JPEG(2000) support) the image is fine. So it must be in the code?

    I hope this helps



    I'm getting blanks page instead of the protocol page of CT scans (showing dosage and scan times etc) when using version 1.4.16h. Noticed that it is reproducible when the Jpeg 2000 support is enabled.
    It does not affect in 1.4.15c in both uncompressed and uncompressed states.

    Likewise observed that the file protocol page that was originally 113K bloats to 604k in version 1.4.16.

    compared headers some difference as follows

    (0008,2111) ST [Lossless JPEG compression, selection value 1, point transform 0, compression ratio 15.966 [Lossless JPEG compression, selection value 1, point transform 0, compression ratio 15.966] ] # 182 DerivationDescription
    (0028,0101) US 12 # 2 BitsStored
    (0028,0102) US 11 # 2 HighBit

    (0008,2111) ST [Lossless JPEG compression, selection value 1, point transform 0, compression ratio 15.966 ] # 90 DerivationDescription
    (0028,0101) US 16 # 2 BitsStored
    (0028,0102) US 15 # 2 HighBit

    both transaction is sop
    SCStorageSingleBitMF 1.2.840.10008.

    returning back to 1.4.15c for now



    having problems sending you sample will try in another network

    I'm still having problems with export converter with 1.4.16b

    ExportConverters = 1
    ExportConverter0 = forward patient now -490 seriesdesc *5.0* to LOCAL

    forward study now only works works if i remove "seriesdesc *5.0* to local" in the command?

    This was reported in an earlier thread…=syntax+forward+now#p7744

    has this been fixed?

