Posts by jcisrisen

    Hello Marcel,

    I am trying to set up a rule to autoroute. I have successfully been able to do it in the past when forwarding all images from any origin. But what I need to do now is selective.

    I need all images from DMHCONQUEST to forward through CONQUESTMRI to MXC_RAD as uncompressed. I have tried a number of variations, but no success. Can you give me an example of a rule that I can put in the CONQUESTMRI configuration that will make this work, Also, do I just stop and restart the server for the change to take effect, or do I have to go all of the way out of conquest and stop the server...I have tried both. I do not want any other images to forward, except for those from AE: DMHCONQUEST.

    I dont know if this helps, but I experimented with this.
    1. I updated Conquest to latest version.
    2. I sent the cine study to it, and it stored, but there was an error:
    [CONQUESTMRI] [DecompressImage]: internal decompressor does not support color jpeg, using external decompressor
    [CONQUESTMRI] ***[DecompressImage]: Error on load after external decompression, image not decompressed

    If I forced display, I could see the first image and the other images above 13,.....
    3. When I queried Conquest with IQView, the exam tree showed all images and that there was 43 frames in image 12. A query of GE will only let me see to the study level.
    4. As I went to retrieve from Conquest with either GE Workstation or IQView, only the first 11 images showed up. and lots of beeps... errors.
    5. As I retrieve directly from GE, with IQview, only 11 images show up, and lots of beeps with an error...... though... the GE Dicom Workstation will retireve fine.

    In the case of Conquest....Could the failure of the color jpeg to decompress be causing the Conquest failure. That being said, IQview still cannot view images retrieved from either Conquest or PACS or cine being sent from Acuson...


    when you performed this export, did the application offer you any options with respect to how the export was to be performed

    When I exported the images, I was only given the options of Dicom, JPEG, Tiff, or PNG. I could either save to disk or send to a workstation. If I sent to a workstation, I would get errors like mentioned.

    Here is an entire CD with the burned patient and viewer on it.:


    the dump from the GE workstation would seem to imply that the images is a JPEG lossy YBR_FULL_422 image with all the frames in a single object, which should be fine - perhaps the receiver you are using just doesn't support this correctly

    So maybe KPACS and Conquest do not support recieving CINE in this fashion:
    Which brings us back to the original problem. I would get the same errors when sending directly from the Acuson machine to Conquest without ever hitting centricity. So with all of this, my dilema is:

    1. I cannot autoroute or store images in ConQuest for telerad purposes. Whether sending directly from the machine, or Cmove out of Centricity.

    2. I cannot send a complete study, whether directly or indirectly, to KPACS/IQView for telerad and CD burning purposes.

    Doesnt this mean that the images are messed up from the beginning, and Centricity is somehow able to make sense of it? Has anyone ever successfully recieved Acuson Cine images on either Kpacs or Conquest?[/quote]

    Because of limited knowledge on this, I will not be able to detail the system to system heritage, but I will give a history of what I did to get you the images.
    1. Acuson US sent images to GE Centricty in dicom (to my knowledge.) I think the cine are actually jpeg lossy.
    2. Centricity DAS recieved images and images are converted from dicom to GE proprietory progressive wavelet format for handling within Centricity STS. Images are then "reconverted" to JPEG lossless and stored in long term storage.
    3. Within centricity, I exported the series to be stored on my desktop in dicom. I zipped it and uploaded it.
    Within centricity, The images show as a separate series even if they were taken amidst the other images. It also appears this way on the WEB viewer. In the link below, I recorded the Dicom info that I took off of a Centrictiy workstation on the mutliframe cine.

    The images will transfer and view fine on the GE RA600 "dicom" workstation. Even the cine will start once I get to that image. I tried once more to send to the Kpacs workstation. The transfer stops when it gets to the cine set...then errors... without sending the rest of the study. I put the Kpacs communications log, and the proccess log in the link also. This probably means that we have been sending out Patient cd's with only partial exams on them...we use kpacs/IQview for patient cd's. The study burns well on cd's using the Centricity viewer, but everyone prefers to use IQview/Kpacs. Telerading will probably be out of the question also since we use IQview for this.

    I am using Conquest 1.4.11 and 1.4.12alpha. When I get back to the office, I will update to 1.4.12. Should I put in the patch also?

    Not sure if it makes a difference, but the images I sent were not directly from the Acuson US machine. They were first stored in GE Centricity, and I retrieved them from there.

    I have put a cine image cine image loop at:
    They errored on Conquest even coming from GE. I got "Client error:Unknown Command 1" "connection terminated" as soon as the cine images started. .
    Also, I tried to run the cine in KPACS, and though they stored fine, but I couldn't actually play the cine.

    Hello Lambert, Hello Andreas,
    Thanks for the replies.
    We have only stored as uncompressed. I tried JPEG Lossless, but had trouble with 12bit CR images and of course US Color JPEG/cine. We have never used NKI Private. Andreas have you ever had trouble storing uncompressed Acuson images in Conquest, like I am describing? KPACS will handle the Acuson well for viewing and storing, but I can not use it for longterm store and autorouting.
    I try to send some of the images. Again, thanks for all you guys do.

    Hello, We have used Conquest for several years for many applications, but have had poor results using it with Ultrasound. I have difficulty storing and forwarding color US, Cine US, and "Freestyle" US images. Some images store fine but then it stops and locks up. Is there anything I can try? We use Acuson US machines.