Posts by hammad

    I had searched the internet on this and found two options to achieve this:

    (1) Forward all images to dcmtk or dcm4chee toolkit that uses Storage Commit Class and when it is verified then forward it to Conquest.

    (2) I design a new table in conquest and there define No of Images again each Scan that is performed in my hospitals. On receiving images, i can query the Image Count, If they doesn't match i can ask the Radiology Technician to forward them to PACS again.

    What you suggest??


    You are right but i think i am unable to explain myself . Let me try to explain with an example.

    There is a CT Scan machine in our hospital and both are connected to conquest and working fine. A Patient scan is done on CT Machine and after reconstruction of images by machine the total number of images are say 400. The CT Scan operator selects the scans and forward it to PACS. Say when conquest received 100 images there was some network problem and packet loss. Now when data is transmitted to conquest again it receive image no.140 to 200 and same problem occurs and then conquest start receiving from image no 280 till 350. So in this case the total number of images the conquest received is not 400 but less that 400.

    I wanted a way or mechanism that to know how many images are expected to arrive. Do DICOM save total number of images in a study in some field or not.

    This is my question.... i hope i had explained myself now for solution.

    I think i cannot explain my question::
    My question is I wanted to know is there any way to get the total number of images in a single study for example I had a CT Scan Head Plain. Total number of Images that are present in CT Scan Console are 350 but on PACS I received only 280..... rest are gone. Is there any way I know that there are 350 images not 280

    HI Marcel

    Is it possible that before images to ARCHIVE can i ZIP them using any utility say 7z and only zipped file is saved. And When User request the study the study must be unzipped and then forwarded to end user. I have some space limitation and wanted to save space.


    Hi Marcel

    Is there any way to find the total number of images in a study that is sent to PACS. Is this information saved in some DICOM Tag???

    Problem is that i received some studies where some images are missing. If any Study like this is received by PACS, can PACS sent an email or notification to Admin for rectification of issue.


    Hi Marcel!

    When user query Conquest PACS Server for Patient Data and on C-Move i want to update one newly added database column. Please guide which converter should i user??


    Hi Marcel!!

    After lot of brainstorming sessions for almost a week. I decided and test this solution but facing some issues, your guidance is required to make it a success story.


    (1) I set a hospital code (Private Tag, in DICOMSTUDIES Table) A, B, C and so on for each hospital that is sending images to PACS.

    (2) Create a new table named HOSPITALAET and insert AETs of all hospitals with their corresponding hospital codes.

    (3) When user query PACS i need to run another query first that first get the CALLING AET, search do that exist in HOSPITALAET table, if yes then get the hospital code and return results on that basis.

    I had done steps 1 and 2 but struck in step 3. Please guide.



    There is a column named ACCESSTIME in table names DICOMSTUDIES , DICOMSERIES and DICOMIMAGES. But server is not updating the date and time in the field of the study last accessed.

    I need to know when the STUDY was last ACCESSED or RETRIEVED by doctor as want to perform some operations on this acess.


    Hi Marcel!

    I tried with Department Name option but this option doesn't let me stop the Clinic A to view images from other Clinics. As, there is a very long list of AETs that need to be added in script and practically not possible as new workstation is added on as required basis.

    Is it possible that in QUERY and RETRIEVE CONVERTER i can query some database table of Clinics AET and return results to user on basis of that query.

    Can you add this feature in new release that certain AETs can also access (read only or write only or both) to Particular MAG location. This will further secure the data integrity.


    Hi Marcel

    Is this correct command line for dgate.

    dgate64.exe --modifystudy:1234,,compression J2

    As i get the following error:

    [PACS] Server command sent using DGATE -- option
    [PACS] *** Importconverter-1.0 error: compression
    [PACS] Deleting database entry for image: D:\PACS\Data\1234\1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.135.736201.35719616.7.1472144619.0.18_0001_000001_14721465580000.dcm
    [PACS] Modified image: D:\PACS\Data\1234\1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.135.736201.35719616.7.1472144619.0.18_0001_000001_14721466050001.dcm
    [PACS] Deleting file: D:\PACS\Data\1234\1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.135.736201.35719616.7.1472144619.0.18_0001_000001_14721465580000.dcm