Posts by hammad

    Thanks for your prompt reply. Please find my reply inline

    Conquest is free, so nothing is required. But a quick help:

    1. Use a MAG importconverter based on your rules.

    I had searched the manual but couldn't find MAG importconvertor based on rules. If possible can you share an example (sample lua code).

    2. Use org %u to use the sending AE as originating AE

    If two modalities have same AET then in that case i am unable to identify the study. If i set some info in private tag and same DICOM Private tag is at the Central Archive will that info be populated or ignored by conquest.

    3. Difficult. You can reject or modify query move results to hide data from other doctors. I am sure we? discussed this before on the forum.

    Can you please share an example (sample lua code)

    4. Note sure what you mean

    I mean images from SITE A compressed under JK and SITE B under JPEG 2000

    5. Probably. But you would need to do load and reliability tests yourself.

    Tested and verified




    We have 80 PACS servers running in different hospitals and diagnostic setups. Currently every site has its own PACS Server and serving the local need of the site. Now we want the whole data to be stored in Central PACS. Following queries are generated that need clarification and way around.

    1. How to configure separate MAG for each site or store each site data in a separate folder for Management in the future

    2. If Conquest is configured as database less DICOM Router on the site that forward it to Central PACS, how the Central PACS will tag or mark that study is received from that site.

    3. How to ensure that Doctor of Site A cannot view the images of Site B and vice versa.

    4. Site wise compression protocols.

    5. Can a single instance of Conquest serve our need. As we have setup conquest in load and cluster mode.

    Guidance required.



    Will somebody guide me how can i differentiate Axial, Coronal, Segiitial and Volume images from a CT Scan images.

    For this purpose do i need to add some column in database for capturing this info.

    Please guide.



    I had gone through the manual and found the following command for modification of Patient details.


    will you please guide or share what is the format of this file and its location.

    and if i want to do bulk update say 50,000 patients what will be the procedure.


    But after modification in the older command i got the data to be transferred by using this command

    ImportConverter0 = forward to RoganOnlineXS channel *; destroy;

    If possible can you share the updated statement , please

    Hi Marcel

    This is the entry in the dicom.ini file.

    # Configuration of rules to modify, log or reject incoming DICOM slices

    ImportConverter0 = ifequal “%m”, “CT”; { forward to RoganOnlineXS channel *; destroy; }

    ImportConverter1 = ifequal “%m”, “US”; { forward to RoganOnlineXS channel *; destroy; }

    ImportConverter2 = ifequal “%m”, “MG”; { forward to RoganOnlineXS channel *; destroy; }

    ImportConverter3 = ifequal “%m”, “CR”; { forward to RoganOnlineXS channel *; destroy; }

    ImportConverter4 = ifequal “%m”, “XA”; { forward to RoganOnlineXS channel *; destroy; }

    And this is the error on the console when i send images to the conquest

    7/2/2019 3:16:15 PM [PACS] *** Importconverter0.0 error: ifequal “XA”, “CT”

    7/2/2019 3:16:17 PM [PACS] *** ImportConverter0.1: Forward failed to send DICOM image to RoganOnlineXS

    7/2/2019 3:16:19 PM [PACS] *** Importconverter0.0 error: ifequal “XA”, “CT”

    7/2/2019 3:16:20 PM [PACS] *** ImportConverter0.1: Forward failed to send DICOM image to RoganOnlineXS

    7/2/2019 3:16:20 PM [PACS] *** Importconverter0.0 error: ifequal “SR”, “CT”

    7/2/2019 3:16:20 PM [PACS] *** ImportConverter0.1: DICOM server RoganOnlineXS does not accept type of forwarded image

    7/2/2019 3:16:20 PM [PACS] *** Importconverter0.0 error: ifequal “XA”, “CT”

    7/2/2019 3:16:21 PM [PACS] *** ImportConverter0.1: Forward failed to send DICOM image to RoganOnlineXS

    I tested the above import convertors using dcm4che toolkit but in that data is saved but i got following error on the console.

    PACS] UPACS THREAD 5: STARTED AT: Tue Jul 02 15:29:47 2019

    [PACS] Calling Application Title : "DCMSND "

    [PACS] Called Application Title : "PACS "

    [PACS] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 16384

    [PACS] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1

    [PACS] *** Importconverter0.0 error: ifequal “MG”, “CT”

    [PACS] ImportConverter0.5: forwarded object to DCMRCV

    [PACS] Importconverter0.2: destroyed received image

    [PACS] *** Importconverter0.0 error: ifequal “MG”, “CT”

    [PACS] ImportConverter0.5: forwarded object to DCMRCV

    [PACS] Importconverter0.2: destroyed received image

    My question is Why i am getting these error ([PACS] *** Importconverter0.0 error: ifequal “MG”, “CT”) when the Modality type is MG and why it shows CT with MG. Is there any error in the importconvertor.

    Please guide.


    I want to forward images as they are received instead of saving them. I had found a script on the forum that is using the ImportConvertor. The problem is that i don't know about the Modalities that will connect to this server and forward images. I modify my old script but it saves images on the HDD.

    ExportConverters = 1

    ExportModality0 = *

    ExportStationName0 = *

    ExportCalledAE0 = *

    ExportCallingAE0 = *

    ExportConverter0 = forward to RoganOnlineXS channel *; destroy;

    This is the error i am facing and no images are fwded.

    6/19/2019 3:31:47 PM [PACS] ExportConverter0.0: forward D:\Patient Data\MG\20180419\114895-(KHALID^SHAZIA)\unknown\00930000.dcm to RoganOnlineXS

    6/19/2019 3:31:47 PM [PACS] *** ExportConverter0.0: DICOM server RoganOnlineXS does not accept type of forwarded image

    Appended is the Server Log

    6/12/2019 11:34:45 AM [PACS] UPACS THREAD 8: STARTED AT: Wed Jun 12 11:34:44 2019

    6/12/2019 11:34:45 AM [PACS] Calling Application Title : "CCWS "

    6/12/2019 11:34:45 AM [PACS] Called Application Title : "PACS "

    6/12/2019 11:34:45 AM [PACS] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 116794

    6/12/2019 11:34:45 AM [PACS] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1

    6/12/2019 11:34:45 AM [PACS] C-Move Destination: "CCWS"

    6/12/2019 11:34:45 AM [PACS] C-Move (StudyRoot)

    6/12/2019 11:34:45 AM [PACS] UPACS THREAD 8: ENDED AT: Wed Jun 12 11:34:45 2019


    [PACS] 20190612 11:34:54 Started zip and cleanup thread

    6/12/2019 11:34:54 AM [PACS] set normal log directly to file from GUI

    [PACS] 20190612 11:34:57 set debug level from GUI

    [PACS] 20190612 11:34:57 set debug log directly to file from GUI

    [PACS] 20190612 11:34:58 set debug level from GUI

    [PACS] 20190612 11:34:58 set debug level from GUI

    20190612 11:34:58 Connected by address: 0100007f

    20190612 11:34:58 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'

    20190612 11:34:58 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"

    20190612 11:34:58 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48

    20190612 11:34:58 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 7

    20190612 11:34:58 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257

    20190612 11:34:58 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"

    20190612 11:34:58 9999,0300 24 LO ConquestConsoleText "set debug level from GUI"

    20190612 11:34:58 9999,0400 12 LO ConquestConsoleComma "debuglevel:2"

    [PACS] 20190612 11:34:58 set debug level from GUI

    20190612 11:34:58 Connected by address: 0100007f

    20190612 11:34:58 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'

    20190612 11:34:58 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"

    20190612 11:34:59 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48

    20190612 11:34:59 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 7

    20190612 11:34:59 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257

    20190612 11:34:59 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"

    20190612 11:34:59 9999,0300 24 LO ConquestConsoleText "set debug level from GUI"

    20190612 11:34:59 9999,0400 12 LO ConquestConsoleComma "debuglevel:3"

    [PACS] 20190612 11:34:59 set debug level from GUI

    20190612 11:35:02 Connected by address: 0100007f

    20190612 11:35:02 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'

    20190612 11:35:02 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"

    20190612 11:35:02 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48

    20190612 11:35:02 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 7

    20190612 11:35:02 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257

    20190612 11:35:02 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"

    20190612 11:35:02 9999,0300 22 LO ConquestConsoleText "set debug log from GUI"

    20190612 11:35:02 9999,0400 16 LO ConquestConsoleComma "debuglog_on:1111"

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:02 set debug log from GUI

    6/12/2019 11:35:04 AM [PACS] Stopped zip and cleanup thread

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:08 Started zip and cleanup thread

    6/12/2019 11:35:08 AM [PACS] Connected by address: 0100007f

    6/12/2019 11:35:08 AM [PACS] Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'

    6/12/2019 11:35:08 AM [PACS] 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"

    6/12/2019 11:35:08 AM [PACS] 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48

    6/12/2019 11:35:08 AM [PACS] 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 7

    6/12/2019 11:35:08 AM [PACS] 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257

    6/12/2019 11:35:08 AM [PACS] 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"

    6/12/2019 11:35:08 AM [PACS] 9999,0300 40 LO ConquestConsoleText "set debug log directly to file from GUI"

    6/12/2019 11:35:08 AM [PACS] 9999,0400 28 LO ConquestConsoleComma "debuglog_on:serverstatus.log"

    6/12/2019 11:35:08 AM [PACS] set debug log directly to file from GUI

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:19 Connected by address: e80a10ac

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:19 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2.1' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:19 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:19

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:19 UPACS THREAD 18: STARTED AT: Wed Jun 12 11:35:19 2019

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:19 A-ASSOCIATE-RQ Packet Dump

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:19 Calling Application Title : "CCWS "

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:19 Called Application Title : "PACS "

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:19 Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 116794

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:19 Number of Proposed Presentation Contexts: 1

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:19 Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008." 1

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:19 Server Command := 0021

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:19 Message ID := 0001

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:19 C-Move Destination: "CCWS"

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:19 0000,0002 28 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008."

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:19 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 33

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:19 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 1

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:19 0000,0600 4 AE MoveDestination "CCWS"

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:19 0000,0700 2 US Priority 0

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:19 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 514

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:19 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:19 Retrieve: move destination not allowed or known

    : CCWS[PACS] 20190612 11:35:19 C-Move (StudyRoot)

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:19 UPACS THREAD 18: ENDED AT: Wed Jun 12 11:35:19 2019


    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:44 Connected by address: 0100007f

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:44 Testing transfer: '1.2.840.10008.1.2' against list #0 = '1.2.840.10008.1.2'

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:44 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:44 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:44 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 7

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:44 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:44 0002,0010 17 UI TransferSyntaxUID "1.2.840.10008.1.2"

    [PACS] 20190612 11:35:44 9999,0400 6 LO ConquestConsoleComma "silent"

    Hi Marcel

    Beside my production Server i had also setup a Test Server on a normal PC (OS Windows 7 Ultimate x64). On the same PC i had installed ClearCanvas Workstation 2.0 SP1 and Efilm Workstation 4.0.2. Copied some dummy data and pull images from server on local workstations and remote workstations images were copied. But today when i copied small chunk of data from live server to this temp server i again getting the same error that i was receiving on the Production Server.

    I wanted to know is this because of some wrong configuration, Network traffic, Viruses/trojans or etc.

    Please also update me on this error i get on server console while copying data. My current configuration is without compression.

    20190610 13:45:22 ***[OpenJP2 decompress]: Jpeg 2K code stream did not decode.

    20190610 13:45:22 ***[DecompressImage]: failed to decompress JP2000

    20190610 13:45:22 ***[OpenJP2(J2k)]: Failed to decode.

    20190610 13:45:22 ***[OpenJP2(J2k)]: Failed to decode tile 1/1

    Please guide.



    I had installed EFILM Workstation 4.0.2 on two of our sites with conquest PACS Server. One of the site we are using the latest version and on the other side its a downgraded version.

    On site A where its a downgraded version of conquest we can easily pull and view the US and XA images without any difficulty whereas on Site B where the latest version of server is installed i am facing issues in pulling/viewing the images. Even if i try to push images from the server i get DICOM error.

    The OS at Site A is Window Server 2008 R2 EE x64 and on site B its Windows Server 2012 R2 x64. Can this is issue be because of the OS???

    On viewing the EFILM Workstation log it says that required transfer syntax is not mentioned and its rejecting it. My questions are :-

    1. If the same images are viewed at one site why they are giving me error on the other side.

    2. I tried to view images using Radiant DICOM Viewer but still same error.Even i try to push images from server i get the DICOM Error.

    3. How to add the missing transfer syntax in the conquest to accept the images.

    All logs of PACS Server and EFILM is attached.