Posts by radtraveller

    Any chance for a Manual only download? Maybe updated with more ... robust examples for those that have little experience changing configurations?

    Ie How to's for:

    More explanatory setting up forward/router rules. What each line does and why to use it.

    Backup: How to use dgate for full / progressive backups?

    Complete discusion of compression. What the availble options are, why/when to use (or NOT) Pros and Cons of each type.

    Export of Patient data (selectable) fields of Name, MRN, Date of Birth, or whatever.

    Just to start. I have seen alot of good tips on here so far and I really think that having a... 'addendum"?? to the manual with these, organized with nice user friendly examples to get things done, would be very helpful.

    I won't go into the linux stuff.. for now......


    Thanks to Marcel et al for all their hard work. You guys should get a Nobel prize..


    Dicom Header Dump for compression type?

    I understanf that the copy to HD completed successfully but then the drag&drop to the server interface failed?

    If you have K-pacs installed, can you import those files into K-pacs, then transfer them to Conquest?

    Now a question for me... OT I know but I don't want to open another thread :-)

    Is the "edit database" function going to be enabled? Ie, I Open edit data base in Conquest and look at info, yet I can't actually edit anything.


    Is there a way to compress studies to write to CD? I select study, rt click export, choose compression then burn on cd but it doesn't seem to keep the compression I asked for. Does this compression only apply to e-mailed images?

    And thanks you Andreas, Yves et al Kpacs is great. Makes my life much simpler.

    Now if I can get those two function to work I have a chance at dropping stentor.

    Is there a way to have kpacs query/retrieve not only todays studies (all) but all the prior studies on those patients done today?

    Second.. Is there a spine annotation template? I don't know how else to describe it. A list of labels for spinal bodied to grab and drop on an image.

    Thanks.. Lemme know if these are just not available in free fersion or if IQ-View has them?

    Hi Andreas.

    Little Problem.. When attempting to query K-pacs from a TerraRecon box, CharruaPACS errors out. Any ideas? All else is good, receiving, viewing, sending, CD Burning..

    One thing I found with CD burning tho...

    If I try to open a CD that I have burned WHILE K-pacs is running, nothing happens. If I close K-pacs, then test the new CD everything works fine. Windows doesn't like running two instances of K-Pacs Viewer even though one is 'lite'?