Posts by akhsuser

    Something like:

    ImportConverter0 = sql('INSERT data INTO extratable VALUES "'..Data.PatientID.."')

    See manual and overview.lua


    Referring to your reply, I have conquest runs on MySQL DB and with import converter, I am also trying to update SQL Server DB when a new slice comes in. In this case, the above ImportConverter line works?



    ImportConverters = 1

    ImportConverter0 = save to d:\Processed\%o.dcm;

    I am able to get the file save into d:\Processed\ folder fine.,

    but I want the file to be saved like d:\processed\studyuid\seriesuid\sopuid.dcm

    Please help me with the syntax.



    ok sure. will check

    one more question,

    will this script gets called on every image reception of a study?

    where to differentiate, to call for each image or each study completion?



    thanks. in my case SQL server is the target DB, i am planning to create a Lua script that can receive tags values and update info into SQL server DB by calling a specific stored procedure,

    If you have any sample Lua script that does SQL updates, please share.




    I am trying to update our SQL Server DB with the Dicom tag info. I need to do this whenever the conquest server receives Dicom data.

    I am looking to achieve this without disturbing conquest code, any existing dynamic feature I can use to receive a notification that contains Dicom tag info and that can be used to update my DB.

    Please share your options.



    i get this error after clicking on Make mysql database.

    Looks like i am unable to connect with MySQL server

    which version of MySQL client i should use to go through the table records.



    Hi Marcel,

    I am trying to run conquest with MySQL DB.

    I have selected MYSQL drivers on the DB setup while running the conquestdicomserver.exe

    dicom.ini contains the following values

    # Host, database, username and password for database

    SQLHost = localhost

    SQLServer = sep_conquest

    Username = root

    Password = test123

    MySql = 1

    DoubleBackSlashToDB = 1

    UseEscapeStringConstants = 0

    getting above error while testing DB installation. Please guide me on what I miss in the working environment.



    Hi Marcel,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I have taken the latest build. I have placed MySQL files as you have instructed.

    Did the build and output.txt file attached

    Kindly check is everything ok with the build.

    One more question, which files I need to modify to have dicom storage folder like tree structure (studyuid->seriesui->sopuid)




    • output.txt

      (224.69 kB, downloaded 277 times, last: )

    Thanks for your reply

    I am using Visual studio code version 1.47.3.

    Build output text file attached.

    Kindly review.




    • output.txt

      (176.03 kB, downloaded 238 times, last: )

    Hi Marcel,

    Recently we are trying to change the Conquest source code to meet up our Dicom files storage requirements.

    I can set up the source code environment without any issues and made the required changes in the DGATE source code.

    Now I have a build issue while I build the C++ source code. Looks like it uses a CL compiler. I have indeed copied your C:\lang folder for build.

    But still, I have an issue with making DGate Build using the amake.bat file.

    Kindly help us to fix the build issue.

    Other questions on Conquest.

    1. Is Conquest good enough to handle our big customers who are having no of studies high per day?
    2. Is Conquest capable to store more studies/Any clean-up on MySQL Db already available or do we need to write scripts to do the DB clean-up?



    Anybody who they are able to setup dgate source for windows platform please share your experience

    I tried running amake.bat file but getting errors with compilation.



    Hi Marcel,

    I have found Delphi to run GUI part of conquest and its fine.

    running LUA files files with ZeroBraneStudio.Thanks for the good documentation.

    Now I am setting up dgate source code and I need your inputs, which IDE tool are you using to run these files, visual studio C++, or any other, please guide me to setup dgate files on any IDE tool. i couldn't find any info on dgatew source I missing any documentation to read.Please help.



    I have found Delphi to run GUI part of conquest and its fine.

    running LUA files files with ZeroBraneStudio.Thanks for the good documentation.

    Now I am setting up dgate source code and I need your inputs, which IDE tool are you using to run these files, visual studio C++, or any other, please guide me to setup dgate files on any IDE tool. i couldn't find any info on dgatew source I missing any documentation to read.Please help.

