Posts by almazen


    I'm using KPACS and normally everything works fine. But sometimes I get an error trying to send and KPACS send me back the error code 0x110. Can anybody tell me what it means?

    I get this info:

    DICOMConnection::SendDICOMFiles, will send 1 images to <> (12/05/2009 14:26:48)
    DICOMConnection::SendDICOMFiles, Sending D:\PPACS\Image\KRAA0242_10. <1, 0, 0>
    [WARNING]: The remote Modality sent the C-Store Rsp's Status is: 0x110, 272 (12/05/2009 14:26:48)
    [WARNING]: The remote Modality sent the C-Store Rsp's Status is: 0x110, 272 (12/05/2009 14:26:48)
    DICOMConnection::SendDICOMFiles, sent 0 images, Failed: 1 (12/05/2009 14:26:48)

