Posts by MIS

    Hello Marcel

    Thank you for the answer. Actualy, the Patient ID was the right one, received from the scanner. My mistake, I apologize.
    There is still an issue, on the scanner, for the same Patient ID there are multiple scans (series), with different parameters added in "Series Description" on each of the series.

    We would like to send to DICOM server these series (that I call scans ), one by one and have the DICOM server creating subfolders for each series transferred, in order to properly identify data files for each scan set (series) transferred to DICOM.

    With the default configuration, ConQuest creates only one main folder named with PatientID and all data files are into that main folder.

    Is there a way to configure ConQuest to automatically create subfolders for data storage, for each transfer (scan set) received from the scanner, either with an incremented name or with some representative info from the data header, like "SeriesNUMB" or preferably with "Series description" ?

    Thank you

    I am a newbie in DICOM and I need to configure Conquest for receiving data from a CT scanner.
    Conquest DICOM is up and running on a Windows PC and is receiving data from the scanner but I don't find a way to configure Conquest to use a specific prefix that will be indexed for each received PatientID or to have a PatientID containing some info from PatientNam field or other header info.
    By default, PatientID is SP1 and it is indexed for each DCOM transfer.

    With the Browse Database tool I can change PatientID for series but it is time consuming and it also has a risk of human error during renaming.

    Is there a way to specify PatientID before or during the transfer, or at least to specify a prefix for PatientID?
    Folders are created and storing received data, with the same name as PatientID. Can these folders have a prefix?
